


3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Draco 'Dracky' Flynn


5 Years Old(?)




March 17th (Day Found)


3'3 (100cm)





Artist Credits (Left to Right, Twitter/X)

Pypixy, _Ochacon24, mei_uou, Kiwikabob, Homriette



- Draco is the apprentice of Jubilee Flynn, a prodigal Hallow's Hunter.

- Draco was found alone in an abandoned warehouse by Jubilee, who took him in to try and find his parents.

- Draco held an aura that steered most away from him and none claimed him... so Robin adopted him herself.

- Draco is assumed to be some kind of Volgren Mutt by Vale City but in actuality he's a Something.

- Very few know the truth behind Draco's existence but none dare speak it.

- Draco is able to harm and capture Vices from within their vessels using his Amour De Soi which is otherwise impossible due to their intangible parasitic nature.

- Draco is an obedient child and seems to possess higher emotional awareness than other children of his age; which makes it hard for him to make friends at his Daycare.

Story Specifics

- Draco is the result of a Faustian Bargain struck by Zanith Valheim and Orthros, The Red King of Change.

- Draco was not born of any parents, he is Zanith reincarnated by Orthros himself rather than through The Ley Lines. This makes him a hybrid between an Orthosian Monster and a Mortal. Similar to Leofald, The Knight of Therion.

- The Smiling Shadow that follows Draco is Orthros himself, or at least a piece of his infinite self. Orthros is the source of all of Draco's power and is puppeteering him towards a horrible undoing.

- Zanith's Bargain granted him knowledge and safety from Orthosian Monsters, which he used to seal them away in a facility deep beneath Vale City, which his daughter inherited the responsibility of managing.

- Zanith is gone now, his soul replaced entirely by another identity in Draco. Orthros granted Zanith a true oblivion in return for the knowledge to protect the world from Orthros' Red Court of Monsters.

- Orthros now steers the unknowing child towards the liberation of all monsters and the return of The Red Courts.

Inheritance - The Shadow Puppet - Orthros, The Will of Fate & Father of The Dark

- Draco's Inheritance grants him a living shadow that only he can notice. The Shadow can speak to him, manipulates the physical world by interacting with their shadows, and can manifest shadow magic to bind or attack foes.

- Draco has the potential to mold shadows himself too. He can turn them into blades, cages, puppets, spikes, and even is able to weave his own body into his own shadow to hide inside it.

- Draco is still a child, so his abilities are unrefined and unreliable.

- Draco's full potential has yet to be realized but any Dark Artist who crosses his path may sense an immense power lurking beneath his cute exterior... and maybe something else.

- Draco's shadow weapons are unable to maim, they instead siphon the energy or induce pain with no wound.

Voice Claim & Other Cringe Details