


3 years, 6 months ago


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HE/HIM • 22 • INTP-T

"You can't go back to something that doesn't exist"

  • BIRTHDAY March 24th
  • RACE h u m a n?
  • HEIGHT 159cm
  • WEIGHT 50kg
  • THEME Enraptured - FFXIV 1.0


  • Learning
  • Reading
  • Experimenting
  • Knowing the truth


  • Cats
  • Himself
  • Living
  • Tea/Coffee


Although Mimosa is small and extremely frail to the common eye, he should not be underestimated. Mastering the arts of both White Magic and Black magic, as well as, the elements and acquiring the ability to control fierce and dangerous demonic magic, he can pack quite a punch...with his drippy demon tentacles, of course. That being said, his physical body is still incredibly frail, although he has possessed himself with countless demons that reside in "the Void", they give him absolutely no physical enhancements. To make up for it he mends his own magic with the demons and uses it that way, giving him dangerously overwhelming power through magic. But using too much can cause an undesired effect of causing his own body to shut down and become more prone to a "full possession".


  • List your character's personality traits here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • List your character's appearance/ physical traits here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.


  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.


  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here.

  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here.

  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here.

  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here.


  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here.

  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here.

  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here.

  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here.


  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.


  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here.

  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here.

  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here.

  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here.



Header 01 Header 02 Header 03


Integer erat erat, fringilla rutrum pharetra in, commodo ac ex. Duis sed interdum est, at suscipit elit. Vivamus vitae gravida sem. Phasellus consectetur risus ut enim euismod molestie. Integer et leo vel lectus tincidunt pretium nec quis nibh. Mauris vestibulum dictum augue at lacinia. Nulla commodo nibh eu odio vestibulum auctor. Donec bibendum ut ante sed scelerisque. Donec accumsan lacinia consectetur. Aenean pharetra tortor id felis fringilla tincidunt. Praesent ac elit arcu. Morbi semper ligula eget maximus pellentesque.

Vivamus accumsan, felis ut ullamcorper placerat, dolor nulla mollis velit, eget efficitur felis nibh ac diam. Duis vehicula condimentum nulla id bibendum. Integer id dolor sodales est mollis vehicula. Donec nec nunc leo. Aliquam placerat nibh ac iaculis pulvinar. Integer blandit purus sed metus hendrerit, sed vehicula urna fringilla. Nam euismod lectus eu lorem vulputate rhoncus. Mauris risus nisl, lobortis vitae laoreet sit amet, interdum eget sem. Praesent sit amet ante ac massa cursus aliquam ut et libero. In et massa lobortis ipsum finibus condimentum nec eget leo.


Sed pharetra quam non malesuada rutrum. Sed eu tortor quis nisl mattis ullamcorper id nec libero. Suspendisse neque nisi, convallis sit amet consequat at, pellentesque ac mi. Nullam vel molestie nisl. Duis ut enim quam. Aliquam consequat, odio ut cursus sollicitudin, tellus odio posuere augue, et porttitor purus magna quis quam. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus pharetra sollicitudin erat, vestibulum laoreet purus gravida ut.


Aenean vitae fermentum leo. Curabitur commodo massa et scelerisque tincidunt. Suspendisse id mollis tortor. Ut tincidunt nibh ut ultrices porttitor. Fusce molestie lacus eu nisi facilisis ullamcorper. Duis ut interdum lacus. Quisque mattis suscipit vestibulum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam pretium finibus lacus vitae varius.

Praesent ultricies justo in velit gravida lacinia. Etiam rhoncus tincidunt dolor quis posuere. Donec faucibus augue eget aliquet tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc rutrum vestibulum faucibus. Nullam id sem in magna scelerisque ullamcorper. Suspendisse condimentum quis elit vestibulum rhoncus. In efficitur, massa eu maximus semper, dolor nibh pretium enim, ut pulvinar enim erat ac augue. Integer suscipit nunc laoreet, luctus arcu id, pulvinar nunc. Aliquam et imperdiet risus. Etiam bibendum vehicula orci. Donec vitae nisi velit.


Relationship 01 Relationship 02 Relationship 03


  • Describe the characters' dynamic here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' history/ relationship progression here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' dynamic here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' history/ relationship progression here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' dynamic here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' history/ relationship progression here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.