
A Winter's Tale❄❄  sp7817C.gif

ZPW8aIm.pngEvery 100 years a small village in a snowy region gives an offering to a supernatural being known as the Ice king. This being has been alive for centuries and has power over the element of ice and snow. With this ability he is able to provide relief from major snowstorms and ease the difficulty of life for the villagers allowing them to withstand the cold climate and not have to relocate to another area. The Ice king is a demon who over the years of his long life has found himself yearning for company. It's a simple thing but even demons can get lonely. Knowing the lifespan of a human he made an agreement with the villagers that in exchange for controlling the severity of weather he asks that one young man or woman be sent up to a shrine deep within the woods. Once there, the offering will be retrieved by the demon and brought back to his castle deep within the mountains. Yuka is a young villager sent as the offering this time around and has no idea what to expect. He feels a bit of resentment for being forced away from his family. Nevertheless he must oblige for the sake of his village and ultimately joins the king at his palace. 


 NAME - Yuka Bayfel   GENDER - Male ❄ AGE  - 18 

❄ LIKES -   [ Horses ] [ Sitting by the fire ] [ Reading ] [ Hot cocoa ] [ Chocolates ]

❄ DISLIKES - [ Radish ] [ Being forced into something ] [ Snow Shoveling ]

❄ FEARS - [ Getting lost in the woods ] [ Wolves ]

❄ PERSONALITY -  [ responsible ] [ Kind ] [ "Motherly" ] [ Cautious ] [ Sometimes takes things too seriously ]


Yuka was born the eldest child of Jean and Leia Bayfel. Born and raised in Tundra-a large grouping of villages (his by the name of Fria ) he was well loved among his people. Like any young boy he was a bit of a trouble maker in his early childhood years. With the birth of his siblings Taya and Tia he began to grow out of this phase and took on the role of big brother. Now at the age of eighteen he works in the village transporting goods via horse and wagon (specially designed for snow) to other villages that make up the overall community. He could be found with his nose stuck in a book whenever he had time to spare. All in all Yuka's life was particularly ordinary until the day he went to live with the Ice King.yxW1Bsl.gif