Sameya Pavus



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


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Original Value

£26 + 20 + 20 = £66




Owner: Puddle                                    Species: Carathera
Name: Sameya (peace)
Age: 4 years
Bloodline: Pavus
Birthdate: December 22, 2020
Upload Date: December 22, 2020
Sexuality: asexual
Gender: female
Status: single
Parents: Corvus, Eudoxia
Cubs: Vascilai (adopted)

Personality: calm, collected and rarely ruffled. Sam could care less about others, but not in a bad way. If she does something for someone else, it's because she was asked. She has no issue with helping others and enjoys the activity more than the fact that it helped someone or was considered a 'good deed'. Loves exploring and learning about the world from her dam, but is a bit of a priss, thanks to her sire. Later on, Sam has become somewhat of a hermit like her mother, carving out her own little space in the forest. Sam is extremely observant, almost frighteningly so, but rarely does anything about it that doesn't benefit her or her family if they're nearby.
History: Sam was always very laid-back and easy going. She never let it show how much Malefor leaving bothered her, even if they'd never been best siblings together against the boys. Tavaris, her albino brother, was always in the mud, muck and flora, taking after their mom, while Devarim was just half a heartbeat away in his own head, leaving Sam to her own devices. Most of the time, it was watching and learning, but at a slower pace than the rest of her siblings. Not that she was stupid, no, but because the carathera was in no rush to go anywhere. Taking life as it came and went and pushing down any negative emotion she may have felt about things. This has caused others to think Sam is cold-hearted, anti-social and generally no fun to be around, which has only made the cara pull back even more. Her brothers know she has no issue with helping and will more than likely do what's asked, so long as it doesn't actually hurt her, but Sam was never very active friend-wise.

Shortly after Mal left, Sameya went to live with the rogues of her dam's family and learned quite a bit of 'street smarts' and forest knowledge from them. Losing a bit of her prissy attitude due to being forced to deal with nature in all its muddy glory, Sam has become even more down-to-earth than she was already. Taking what she'd learned and the spirit awareness she'd gained from growing up, Sam became very aware of others intentions, listening and watching for tiny ticks and cues most others miss.

Not finding anyone to settle down with, Sameya became disillusioned and plopped herself deep in the forest, content with the company of her peacock. Occasionally, she encountered grans passing through, but left them alone unless they were actively lost. Sam amused herself by guiding the 'lost souls' through sound and leaving trails, but never becoming seen herself - a fun challenge due to her bright orange/red coat in spring or winter. She was never malicious and stuck to innocent fun. On the occasions when she thought the grans had ill intentions towards herself, another gran or just had a bad vibe, she would purposefully get them lost or leave them stuck somewhere for a while.

Chantilly, Hydra, Lazuli and Eridani have come to live in Sameya's deep forest glen and the four girls struck up an odd sort of friendship. Sam enjoys being the 'ghost' that haunts the forest - in a sense, protecting the others, while Hydra is their warrior and Laz is the healer.

Random facts: 
--- Curious about the spirit realm and knowledge for knowledge's sake.
--- She has a tendency to see things, but thanks to her mother, this has never bothered her.
--- Found a peacock chick and brought it home to have her mother heal it. Professor Shriek chose Sam instead.
--- Autumn is her favorite time of year because her coat blends into her surroundings. 

Stats: STR – 5 | RES – 6 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 1 | DEX – 4
Traits: Ears: C | Tails: UC | Fangs: C | Size: UC | Eyes: R | Horns: UC
Mutation: carathera                                               Special Base: N/A

Original Value: £26 | $36.44
+ adult lines - £20 | $27
+ family photo - £20 | $27

Owner: Puddle                                     Species: Carathera
Name: Sameya
Birthdate: December 22, 2020
Upload Date: December 22, 2020
Parents: Corvus, Eudoxia
Gender: female
Favorite toy or game: She keeps special track of the little poppet her mother made her
Personality: calm and collected, but could care less about others, but not in a bad way. If she does something for someone else, it's because she was asked. She has no issue with helping others and enjoys the activity more than the fact that it helped someone. Loves exploring and learning about the world from her dam, but is a bit of a priss, thanks to her sire.
Random facts: 
--- Eternally curious, but has an eternal war with mud and her brother Tevaris.
--- She has a tendency to see things, but thanks to her mother, this has never bothered her.

Stats: STR – 5 | RES – 6 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 1 | DEX – 4
Traits: Ears: C | Tails: UC | Fangs: C | Size: UC | Eyes: R | Horns: UC
Mutation: carathera
Special Base: n/a