


3 years, 5 months ago


Emerald Cabochon set in Gold Core, Avian Tail, Ethereal Corona Ring
Light mutation (wings)

- gender: multiple types of sword, pants content: a knife. Uses any pronouns and only really gets upset about them when they suspect someone is trying to categorize them as One Thing. Presents approximately “however I want”, though they tend to read as a very butch lesbian at first glance due to their shoulder-waist ratio.

- Did not expect the prince she killed in a knock-down drag-out fist fight to get back up as a rampaging undead monstrosity, and doubly didn't expect him to bust through a prison wall after dismembering his father. He's happy to have been rescued but also. Hey. What the hell. He already dealt with that one. Unfair!

- Weirdly enjoys Tenpai’s presence at this point, though they won't admit it in polite company. It's generally unacceptable for a hero to have a fondness (if a very strange one) for a monster they're supposed to kill.

- Has spent much of her life wandering around doing odd jobs. While that does include being a very sharp sword for hire, they're just as willing to gather herbs, carry heavy loads, babysit, or search for lost cats. He’s much more hobo (actual) than the derogatory murderhobo.

- Extremely competent at anything they put their mind to, but kind of a silly dumbass outside of that. Not quite full jester mode, but he's a bit of a spacecase and tends to use the thoughts he has to get a reaction out of people. Pointing out that this makes her very similar to Tenpai tends to get a highly negative reaction (so of course, Tenpai loves to needle her with this).