


3 years, 6 months ago


He's a scorned thespian who became a villain, For long; He was always passionate about the arts, specifically musical theatre, and he always wished to be the star of the show, especially as he trained his skills more and more and became one of the best of not only his school, but his entire city, and arguably one of the best in his entire small country, and yet- despite it all, he was never chosen as a lead- and he went a bit mad in his youth trying to find the cause, perhaps he wasn't organized enough? No no, his folders upon folders for each musical proved that. Maybe it was his timing? No, he was always an hour early for everything.

His real breaking point came when he realized the truth, which was that his snake tail made everyone else think that he would be the lead, and those who held control of the musicals 'wanted to give the others a chance'. He had never even been given a chance to become the lead before it was taken away from him for what? to give pity to those who were worse than him? Not only that, but his home life didn't help, always being ignored in favor of his siblings who had gone to be classical success stories, doctors and scientists and the like. And so, he ran away, both to sulk and to plan.

Nowadays he slithers around his large castle, planning different crimes and causes of suffering. One way or another, he would get the spotlight he felt he deserved. As for his dreams, he causes dreams second-handedly, and those dreams often are dreams about being alone or lost without anyone around, tapping into the biggest fear he has; being forgotten and unnoticed.