
3 years, 6 months ago



Owner: armanie_zacharias

Name: Milly 

Age: 7

Birthdate: date you wish here, if unsure leave blank and wiki team will assign

Upload Date: admin should put date here

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: female

Status: single 

Parents: N/A (adopt)

Cubs: N/A

Personality: A very quiet, reserved Cimma, Milly is very polite and genuine in her behavior.  She believes in seeing the good in others and giving them a chance, however if you cross her or those she cares about, you're in for a thrashing.

History: Milly left her pack at 3 to find her soulmate, but when she didn't find them, she returned to live with her pack.  However when she came back to where her pack lived, they were all gone.  She asked some of the grans who she knew around there and they told her a flood had come through and most of the pack had drowned.  The few survivors left and nothing had been heard from them since.  She left the area in search of the remainder of her pack.  She never found them.  One day she came upon a young female granthrow being terrorized by a pack of very hungry wolves.  Her protective instinct kicked in and she charged them, beating the heck out of the wolves and sending them running with their tails tucked between their legs.  The granthrow thanked her but when she looked up at Milly, her face lit up.  Milly couldn't understand what was up with the gran until she heard her say under her breath "horsie".  Since then, the young granthrow, Leanna and Milly have been inseparable buddies.  Milly wasn't in a pack but she had her friend to look out for, and she's still in search of her soulmate, but she's not as in a hurry to find them as she was before.

Random facts: Milly is ok with humans, but prefers to be around the women and children than the men.  Despite being the physically stronger of the two, she still looks up to Leanna and lets her make the decisions.  She admires Leanna going out on her own "just because" instead of stressing about soulmates and stuff.  

Stats: STR – 10 | RES – 3 | WIS – 9 | CHA – 6 | DEX – 2

Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: R | Fangs: R | Size: R | Eyes: L | Horns: UC | Wings: N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A