

By Zeorigir 2023


Name Ari


OrientationAsexual Demiromantic

Gender Male

HEIGHT 192 cm

SPecies               1/4 Deer 1/2 Cat

Theme 🎵🎶

“Smile! you never know when you need one!” 

The Owner of RIDERE cafe and an infamous unknown killer in their city.


song album related to their backstory : The Caretaker - Everywhere at the end of time.

(stage 1)
when they were a child. basically a small child, everything was a living normal even though theyre forced to do what they dont like but they kept quiet and just obey. theyre emotionless but happy.

(stage 2)
their emotions getting jumbled up where they need to say it but keep it quiet and do what they must do in their family being the first child, their parents were never in their life only on weekends. still happy but starting to get unstable. still emotionless

(stage 3)
another child was born, they dont know how to react with the family as they were never there in stage 1 and 2. emotionless and unstable. the thought of forced and complete abandonement were in their head.

(stage 4)
oh mother and father were here, but with vulgar words. they verbally abused them without acknowledging their actions. after quite of couple years, theyve become more unstable and father left saying "be good" which ari only replied "amen". mother getting more verbally abused to ari while the sibling was protected. very unstable.

(stage 5)
mother kept saying "keep smiling" and promised that if ari kept smiling they would live a good life. she was wrong. ari couldnt take it anymore. they murdered her, and for once they felt something- they didnt murder the sibling they just left them. felt emotion, and smiling. as they promised they are a man of words.

(stage 6)
hollow but smiling. keeping a charming persona so no one gets suspicious about the murders in the city. decided to open up a cafe/restaurant to hide and for sanity sake. killing in the night for keeping up the persona and....boredom.

(stage 1 & 3 ari was also bullied)
(stage 5 & 6 decided to experiment and learn magic)


Loyal, Smart, and Charming Manipulative, Compulsive liar, and Apathetic 








Ari is a charming little devil who owns the Ridere cafe in their homecity. He kills for fun and reactions to feel something and would play along with the cops. Funny how he was never caught, He will manipulate anyone to get what he wanted. He has a few close friends he can trust surprisingly. even though he likes it when the cops tries to search for him he doesn't want to get caught. he just wants his adrenaline and the feeling of excitement.

His hobbies are taxidermy, making coffee, baking, cooking, magic and dancing.

He will always smile because of his past and also to charm his way on others.

He will never stop smiling.




  • Killing
  • Set up cases
  • Magic
  • teasing others
  • his cafe
  • cooking and baking
  • mystery cases
  • 1920s - 1940s jazz
  • antique things
  • taxidermy


  • Being touched
  • Loud music
  • Rude people
  • Rude customers
  • themselves
  • someone messing up his plans
  • the cops


  • Ari is a power & control serial killer and the organized killer.
  • Ari is a hybrid of a deer and a cat. DNA also match up 9.4% bear and 5.8% dragon (from experimental and magic)
  • Ari gotten their personality and emotions from managing their cafe and killing. Observing the environment around them.
  • Aris victims consist of Teens, Young adults, Workers, Catcallers, R*pist, Homophobes/transphobe, innocent bystanders, even some of the customer of their own cafe. [They would search and research about the people who are on the cases of pedophilia, predatory, etc etc]
  • Ari would only let the children and elderly left alone or let them starve to death. They do not care but wish not to kill with their hands. 
  • Ari is both getting excitement and keep the smiling stay by murdering. thats how they get the 'feeling'.
  • Ari will usually eats on their victim if they get out of control on killing and have no where to hide the body, their magic that they get cause them to feed more.
  • Ari has another demonic form because of the experiment and magic side effects.