Lodnog Tamrad



3 years, 5 months ago


 Your name is LODNOG TAMRAD and boy are you HIGHLY ANTISOCIAL. ANXIETY is just oozing in your JADE COLOURED VEINS. You are a clean freak and a rabid follower of the MINIMALIST MOVEMENT; your HIVE looks like it’s cut out straigth from a TROLL IKEA magazine.  You are interested in EMBROIDERY but are quite shitty at it, mostly only attempting to embroider BAD STICK FIGURES of your friends. Your FRIENDS of whom you mostly never actually met. Being alone on an ISLAND when you’re deadly afraid of the SEA is hard and no one understands. 

You wear a mask of IMPENETRABLE POKERFACE. You honestly just look like a macaco who got spooked. This maybe the reason why your lusus, LEMURDAD chose you.

You don’t know this (or rather, you don’t remember it), but your ANCESTOR got his name THE COLLECTOR for rescuing limeblood grubs from the brooding caverns or from slave masters at the start of the CASTE WAR. Once his disguise as an enthuisiastic collector who were only interested in limebloods as exotic pets was up, he attempted to escape via sea. You were on his ship. You were the only one who reached the shore. 

Your TROLLIAN is embroideredTheorem. Your strife specibus is OARKIND.

Your TITLE if you played the game would be KNIGHT OF HEART. You would be a DERSE DREAMER. Your land would be the LAND OF WAVES AND DECEPTION.