Sam Fall



3 years, 5 months ago


A Reincarnation of Numero 9. Both my characters. part of a # Story written/rp'ed along with few friends.

Laidback and strong silent type, His hobbies are playing guitar and sometimes throwing hands, least he used to get into fistfights quite often, due to his rebellious nature and hot-headed temper, until he met with Lu.
However, he suffers from a severe back trauma that causes him to sometimes paralyze and has lost a complete sense of feeling from his body other than his neck/head. (due to this factor he is less likely to stop throwing blows.)
He lives alongside his sister Marie in their Mothers house (Oat's), However, he isn't too keen to remain indoors for long and is more often found hanging out in Lu's place, his mother's bar, or out of town. He knows only fair few bits about his so-called "past self" but has no interest in being them, instead of his more concentrated on recovering and has a bet to win; "Who is the first to recover fully." between him and Lu.