~ Aaro Pacey ~ NN: CaramelCup



3 years, 6 months ago


My irl friend MuffinCat helped me with naming him X3

Name: Aaro Pacey

Nickname: CaramelCup (called that occasionally by his beloved Penelope Radimoore

Scattered Info:

He’ll be an agent or a cop of sorts (some catching bad guy guy atleast)... He’ll not drink coffee, it’s way too bitter for him, instead he’ll drink hotcocoa BUT occasionally he’d drink an iced Vanilla latte (with extra vanilla of course)... 🤔👀
He had a good childhood, or atleast a decent one. He had childhood friends that weren’t as lucky... One reason as to why he wanted to be able to put bad guys through trial and potentionally get them into prison...

He is quite the genius when it comes to reading a persons hidden motives and such... Even peoples emotions or the chemestry between people... HOWEVER!! He sucks at reading emotions and such that is directed towards himself! (Which has made Penelope *[the love of his life]* in the beginning have to explain each time she was flirting or just outright was saying sweet loving words to him or just when she looked at him happily due to being happy he was there... Nowadays she doesn’t need to explain everything all the time But some things he still cannot really grasp when it comes to words or feelings directed towards himself...) 🤔

I think they both are in their mid-twenties or late twenties 🤔👀

Info I thought of while talking with Sun:

SUN I JUST NOW THOUGHT OF HOW AARO WOULD REACT TO PENELOPE TELLING HIM THAT SHE’S PREGNANT!!! (I mean, she’s not canonically but if she would be, and well she will be some day But when is the question... 🤔👀)

*Penelope: ”Hey my sweet CaramelCup, I’ve got something really important to tell you...” {looks really serious, knowing it would confuse him...}

Aaro: ”Okay hun, what is it ya’ gotta tell me...?” {thinking she either finally got her dream job or she had decided to break Up with/divorce him...}*

*Penelope: *{walking Up to him and lightly pecks his lips before she backs away one step and says with a small smile} ”I’m pregnant Aaro, We’ll be parents...”

Aaro: {his brain going on hyperdrive Trying to find out weither she was kidding or not... Then he looks at her, Trying to read her...} ”Do, do you mean hypothetically...?” {though inside he got more and more sure of that This was not a joke and he gets more and more happy but he just has to be sure before getting too carried away...}*