


3 years, 5 months ago


passionate warrior, wanderer, hesitant leader. Trying to keep the peace in the swamps in her own flawed way.

Name: Rowan >>> Marshstar
Gender: female
Rank: founder
Clan: Fallwick
Description: seal tortie sepia point with amber eyes
Age: 40 moons
Edits: scars [nr]

Rowan had lived in Fallwick all her life, making her way through the swamp and simply living as she could. She was well aware of the trouble that existed in the other cats of the area, the crime that existed and the fights that constantly broke out. She had been quite fine to stay on the edge and not get involved in the chaos. But then things changed.

Her catch was stolen for the third time in a single day, and Rowan decided she wanted to make a change in the swamp. She wanted cats to actually respect each other, to work together. Was it a long shot to imagine it with these ruffians? Absolutely, Rowan thought. But she was still going to give it a chance.

An idea came to mind - she had heard a bit about the old clans of cats that had existed in the past. How cats would listen to a leader with the name 'star'. Rowan didn't feel confident being a leader, but she was ready to do just about anything at this point. And she figured the best way for these cats to gather under her was if she named herself after the place in which they all dwelled.

She changed her name to Marshstar, and she went out into the land, to try and ally the cats of Fallwick, to try and prevent all the chaos of the region, one step at a time. It felt like a foolish endeavor, but Marshstar had faith that she could change things.

Of course, the first few times she approached battling cats and tried to break things up, tried to introduce herself, she was laughed off, and sometimes attacked herself. She would dart back and fight defensively, determined that her viewpoint could be seen if only she persisted. This was not how the other cats saw things. They looked at her as another power hungry cat only in the game for her own benefit. It took a while for Marshstar to see this herself, to understand what they were all saying, but once she did, she had to take some time to herself to think.

Marshstar found the nearest patch of gloomy water (which wasn't hard - the stuff was everywhere) and frowned down at her reflection. Clearly she was doing things wrong somehow. But how exactly? She didn't enjoy this kind of change, and she didn't enjoy not knowing. Was she being too presumptuous? Marshstar figured she'd need to change up her plans again. (Though she was keeping the name. She had grown to like it.)

There was only ever change, recently, as frustrating as it could be. She would be kind first, assist those that needed it, and perhaps ask them to join her group from there.

Hopefully she could figure it out this time.