


7 years, 5 months ago



Name Wylee Hatch
Age Twenty-Six
Gender Female
Race Human
Role The Bounty Hunter
Theme Chapter Doof

reckless. loyal. adaptable.

* The only child of a pair of— long deceased— illegal weapons dealers, Wylee was raised primarily by a man she typically refers to as her “Uncle”. A former patron of her late parents, the man is in actuality a con man and leader of a small-time gang (but the sentiment is nice).

* She has few memories, if any, of her biological family. The couple were prior Hyperion employees who ultimately jumped ship to Pandora when the company started going particularly south. They spent only a few years on the planet before being killed in a botched weapons transaction, though Wylee isn’t totally convinced of this series of events. Instead, she believes her parents were set up— usually spiraling into long-winded rants about that, and I quote, “goddamn, no good, fucking space-H”.

* Her primary income source is bounty hunting, though she’s been known to help her Uncle with menial tasks to keep up his “street cred”. She’s not a fan of guns, preferring instead melee weapons, and likens herself to something of a skag whisperer (and as such has a pet in the form of a skag she’s named Bruno).

* Liiiiittle bit of a hoarder. She’s likely to pocket anything that looks even remotely useful; particularly partial to scrap metal thanks to a fleeting hobby in vehicle maintenance/customization.

* Speaks with a heavy aussie accent; make fun of her for it and she'll probably bust your kneecaps (◕ˇ ◕✿)

They tell me temper, temper, little lady.

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