Beck Daze



3 years, 7 months ago


Better-Than-You Comic Relief




Beck Daze

ALIAS Firecracker
AGE 23
RACE Glowing Sucker Octopus
OCCUPATION Musician/Agent 7

Beck Daze is the name you don't want to mess with. He's the hot-shot Gal user with a heart of gold, and a temper to match the Sun - a temper that he's been trying really hard to cool down these past few years. While his sister is the chillest of the team, he's always been, well... the hottest. He's nicknamed Firecracker for a reason, and he still has explosive tendencies from time to time, but sometimes that can be useful - like becoming a Kraken to turn the tides of a battle. Despite how aggressive he can get in battle, he mellows out really quickly afterwards, which may or may not be thanks to how his sister redirects post-battle grudges.

While most would think that his attitude during Turf reflects it outside, they come out surprised to find that he's rather lively. He's still got that hot tempered energy, but is just as quick to turn it into something that gets the blood pumping with music and shared interests, than to turn it into more fighting. He gets teased to hell for it by his sister, but for Beck, anything that gets him fired up that doesn't result in violence is a pretty cool thing. Just be careful not to insult anything he likes, or you might get a sharp remark!


Energetic • Lively • Proactive


Fair • Idealistic • Loud


Hot-headed • Insecure • Secretive



Beck is a short, dark skinned man with a "hooked" eye mask, and short tentacles styled in an undercut. His ink color is cherry red ending in a hot pink gradient; however, when he's actively playing with his team, the red turns into a sky blue. He's the shortest of the team, and uses his compact build to his advantage sometimes. Like his sister, he has a short tail.



Beck keeps his hair swept to his left, usually under a beanie or his headgear.

Scars & Marks

Beck has a small x-shaped scar on his left hand.


He has a tattoo of a bear's paw on his right shoulderblade, and a small purple heart on his left wrist.


His wardrobe consists of mostly torn-up jeans, studded belts and collars, graphic tees or tanks for certain bands he's seen, and just about anything he can thrift or make himself. His ears are pierced, along with the bridge of his nose, which he wears studs in.

WEIGHT 165 lbs
BODY SHAPE Hourglass
ETHNICITY Mixed Indigenous (Ojibwe/German)
AESTHETIC Alternative
  • Has a love for music, and creates his own mixes.
  • Chronic pun master, will always sneak one in even if it krills him.
  • Despite his cool demeanor, he's easily flustered by a nice compliment.
  • Helps out his younger sister with finding resources for more native writings!
  • Had a lisp that he grew out of when he was younger, but still struggles with "th-" from time to time.
  • Do not make a bet over who can handle the spiciest food. You will lose.


"Shell yeah! I could go with these for hours-!"
  • Spicy food!
  • Punk rock
  • Puns
  • Sleeping
"It's always nice to have around!"
  • Mochi
  • Snow
  • Pink
  • Skating
  • Rainmaker
  • Rain
  • Sour candies
  • Argumentative fighting
"Bro, come on, do you want me to get grossed out?"
  • Chargers
  • Salmon
  • Forest Green
  • Silence

"Better watch out, unless ya think you can handle our rockin' strategy!"


The Octarian Wastes weren't too bad, sometimes. But Beck always wanted to be somewhere else, somewhere where the Sun shines brighter - but he never thought that it'd actually happen one day. All it took was a chance concert in the domes where he and his sister heard the Squid Sisters for the first time, and ever since then he's realized how great his love for music was. It wasn't going to take much to convince him to pursue his dreams, and if someone was going to promise to help them, then he wasn't going to miss that chance.

Radio Signal Lost

Aliquam molestie sapien id tincidunt interdum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas aliquet tristique sapien, auctor vehicula augue venenatis sit amet. Curabitur tristique ante elit. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam sodales ex sed cursus dignissim. Ut ut tempus purus, in convallis felis. Duis sed purus sed leo vulputate aliquet. Integer non semper nulla. Proin dapibus et lacus sed ullamcorper.

Integer id nisl sit amet odio tristique dapibus sit amet vel est. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc ac ligula eu felis porttitor finibus eget non urna. Sed sit amet sem rhoncus, efficitur ipsum ut, fringilla ipsum. Etiam porta sodales massa, quis accumsan est condimentum eget.

Sunbursts in the Eyes

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut orci tellus. Vestibulum consectetur mauris ac massa consectetur tincidunt. Praesent vehicula mi non diam porttitor, in feugiat urna consectetur. Aenean interdum risus ut vestibulum congue. Sed condimentum diam erat, sit amet consectetur nisi lacinia sit amet. Suspendisse ultrices malesuada faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas nisl felis, convallis sit amet ante eget, suscipit lacinia est. Nullam bibendum congue est ac ullamcorper.

Cras lacus nibh, egestas eget mauris facilisis, pulvinar viverra dui. Duis volutpat nulla sit amet sem semper sagittis. Fusce ac purus id leo suscipit cursus. Nam a semper magna. Morbi quis neque odio. Integer tristique fermentum diam eget tincidunt. Nunc condimentum massa a vestibulum dapibus. Proin volutpat quis arcu nec lobortis.

Wren Daze
Twin Sister

Wren is Beck's twin sister, his best friend, and his biggest secret-holder of all the embarrassing things he's done. Most people don't think they're twins at first - due to Wren being taller than him - but it becomes extremely apparent once you hear them talk with each other. They finish each other's sentences, down to the same pitch, tone, and inflection - and it freaks the hell out of their friends, sometimes, especially when they mirror each other's movements. But there's no one that he'd love more than having her as his sister, and he's not gonna let go of her anytime soon!


Just because she's dating his sister doesn't mean he's gonna go easy on her! Their rivalry is purely friendly, and the antics these two can get up to when no one else is there to supervise them can lead into the biggest chaos you can think of. They enjoy pulling pranks on people, racing to see who can get the most points in a battle, or trying to see who can get the highest Squid Beatz score! (Hint: despite how hard he tries, it's always 'Loma). He thinks she's a pretty awesome teammate, and is glad to call her a best friend.

Axel Torre

Okay, he'll be honest: when he first met Axel, he was intimidated to all hell. They were supposed to be enemies to each other, if anything he was taught in school was to go by, but after their first encounter - and the more he got to know the squid - Beck found out that he's really just a big, shy softy past that cool exterior. And, sure, they had some rough patches in the beginning, but they always managed to work together past it. Axel was the first one to ask for a date, but Beck was the first one to surprise him with a kiss. He just hopes one day that he'll be the one to surprise Axel with a ring, and not the other way around.