


3 years, 6 months ago


Grimalkin in a Nutshell

Main Personality Traits:

- Blunt

- Cat-like 

- Sensible 

Gender and pronouns: Agender and she/her are what she usually goes by but as far as she's concerned, she's happy with whatever pronouns. (Imps don't really have a concept of gender like humans do.)

Age: 6 (which makes her an adult, as imps grow up much much faster than humans!)

Type of being: Imp

Job: Familiar to Salem- at the moment, it's her job to provide guidance on magical matters to him, as he's still an inexperienced witch. As his skills develop, her job will change. She is part advisor, part business partner, part friend to him. 

She doesn't get paid for this in money, but witches provide food, shelter and most importantly, friendship to their familiars.


- Partners with Salem

- Friends with Mina (Grimalkin likes her, but disapproves of her impulsive behaviour.)

- Friends with Sinclair (Grimalkin likes him but disapproves of his antics)

- Acquaintances with The Rabbit (The Rabbit is actually frightened of her, but she considers them a friend of sorts.)

Short Bio:

Grimalkin is a bluntly spoken familiar- she knows her own mind and knows how to speak it. She doesn't understand why humans sometimes feel the need to "talk around" a subject and so just drops whatever news she has into a conversation with no build up (she has an almost child-like sense of expressing herself, in that she'll just say whatever's on her mind, consequences be damned.) This does mean that she's not very good at customer service in Salem's potion shop; she will usually call rude customers impolite names to their faces. If anyone tries to call her out on rude behaviour she'll dismiss it by saying she's just being honest.

That said, her honesty isn't always a bad thing- she's very quick to give a compliment when she thinks it's deserved. She won't allow you to turn down a compliment either.

She isn't actually a cat, though she looks and acts a lot like one in many ways. For one, she is a quiet friend- she doesn't feel the need to talk to friends a lot, just being in their presence is companionship enough, as far as she's concerned. She only really talks when she feels she has something important to say. She likes to play games that cats typically enjoy, like chase the cat the wand or just randomly zoom about at 2am. She likes to climb on things and people too. That said, she likes playing human games too; she will wipe the floor with you if you challenge her to card games.

Grimalkin has teacher-like ways of addressing people sometimes (especially Salem) and is easily the "sensible one" out of her immediate friendship group. She is cautious and prefers to examine situations before making a decision and often urges her more impulsive companions to do the same. Her advice for getting out of dangerous areas/fights and magic advice is usually impeccable. However, she is not all knowing- sometimes her advice doesn't work as you hoped. If this is the case, it's usually because she doesn't understand human behaviour fully and hasn't accounted for it. She is an imp and doesn't understand some human behaviour/concepts- she doesn't understand why a werewolf might feel remorse over killing a monster hunter, for example. (Her opinion on that is situation would be "well, the hunter would have killed you if you hadn't beaten them to it, so why should you feel bad?" A more everyday thing she doesn't understand is why humans might feel the need to have "fancy clothes;" she wonders why an occasion even requires special clothes. She feels that any outfit would serve just as well.  Her mindset is animal-like, to put it simply- she tends to act on more instinctive behaviours than a human would.   

Misc Trivia: 

- Grimalkin usually talks if she has something to say, but can also meow, purr, hiss and bleat like a goat.

- She can walk on her hind legs for short periods of time

- She likes to be involved with things humans are doing- for example, she may drink water out of a tea cup and sit up at the table when others are having tea, so that she feels included.