Hyo-Eun "Otis" Rhee (Summit Tech)



4 years, 14 days ago



Name: Otis Rhee-Cross

Role: Sponsor

Birthday: March 12th

Age: 43

Gender: Demimale

Height: 5'5"

Sexuality: Homosexual

Nationality: Korean-American

Blood Type: AB

Hero Stats

Quirk: Second Chances - Can revive someone from the dead.


  • body must be mostly intact
  • only works once per person
  • the larger the organism, the longer it takes (a few seconds for a small bird; several many hours for a human)
  • only heals mortal wounds
  • person may still suffer brain damage + memory loss + changes in personality
  • body decay is damage-- the longer the body has been decaying, the longer it takes to reconstitute the body. For example, 1 month of decomposition would require 1 month straight of Otis using his quirk-- aka not humanly possible. Otis’ personal record has been 5 days.


Personality: Reliable / Philanthropic / Stubborn / Highly Moral / Unexpressive

Otis doesn't express his emotions outwardly in any sort of body language or facial expression, and may come off as stoic, stubborn, and ruthless in his ambitions. However, he does care about people-- as a whole, rather than by the individual though. He is idealistic and hopeful, and it is rare he gives up on goals or aspirations. Paying attention to his speech and actions, one could conclude that he's passionate, artistically driven and generous in charity.

He values his own independence- Otis would rather have others rely on him than to rely on others. There are rumors that this is why he resurrected neither of his parents, but in truth Otis has a policy of not using his quirk on people who die from natural causes (old age). The quirk only heals the thing that immediately killed them, and they are liable to die again shortly afterwards.

Otis is used to shouldering a great amount of work and responsibility. He appreciates the company of spontaneous or relaxed people who remind him to take a break, but often ends up distancing himself from such care if he feels he’s too distracted from the things he wants to accomplish. With a tendency to bottle his emotions, he can become brooding when upset.

Likes: crows and pigeons, tidiness, enamel pins, winter snow,

Dislikes: handshakes, cowards, close-mindedness, short-sightedness, home baked goods

History: Otis was born and raised in Boston, an heir to a middling corporation focused on health technologies and support gear. There were large expectations on him from his parents even before he discovered his quirk, from his father who was adjusted to a wealthier lifestyle and his mother who had scraped and clawed for everything she’d ever earned in her life.

He discovered his quirk when he revived a road-killed crow at age 6. The popularity of his family exploded soon after, and he was pressured into strengthening his abilities even from a young age with great seriousness. He revived his first human when he was 14, and from that point his family began using him as a resource, receiving great funding and establishing connections thanks to his quirk.

When he took over Summit Technologies at 24, there was a shift in the overall company-- they began intensively studying quirks to unfold new research in physics, biology, medicine, and technology. Slowly, they gained influence not just through Otis’ rare quirk but also through the actual work they were accomplishing. Their work has always been radical, and Otis is always wary of the state of their own reputation.


  • During the summer of 2019 Otis immediately left Boston at the first signs of villains, returning afterwards.
  • Otis never revives people who died of old age or natural causes.
  • Otis keeps a flock of pigeons at his home
  • Otis himself has a degree in biotechnology and minors in quirk studies and business.