01 MAIN || Eilane



3 years, 6 months ago


✦ Details
HomeTheir Ship
✦ Appearance
Body TypeLean, light-weight
Hair StyleMessy Short and Spiked
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorLight Blue
Coat colorBlack
Clothing StylePiratey, lots of jewelery, scarfs
Power TierIV
✦ Likes
The ocean
Hoarding and collecting
✦ Dislikes
the noble guards, scars, liars, silver, pushovers
staying in one place, talkers, small creatures, talking of his past
✦ Hobbies
sailing the seas, exploring, collecting
crafting, trading
✦ Traits
negative: flighty/flakey, stubborn, independent, huge ego, distant, dishonest, envious, uncaring, deceiving, cruel and insensitive.
positive: hard working, persistent, determined, optimistic, reliable, sincere, loyal and lovable.
✦ Quirks
Annoying the noble guard and traders
Distaste for Vanbourne
✦ Phobias
✦ Personality + Backstory

Flighty and very flakey, tends to not be able to stay in one spot for a long amount of time which is why he is a traveler at best and very independent. He can be quite stubborn because he likes things his way and his way only but there is times he knows the need to be flexible and open minded. Though in the end, whenever that happens, its usually for his own personal gain. Big big ego and very self centered and narcissistic; usually the reason for the majority of relationships and acquaintances doesnt work out so well despite being a flirt and affectionate at first. Can be uncaring, deceiving, cruel, insensitive just a very shitty person because thats all hes used to being. Because he usually scares away any siel that attempts to befriend him he is used to be alone and fending for himself and his familiar, Zerian. He is very distant and secretive and dishonest about alot of things regarding himself and his past. He didnt have the greatest life, which makes him envious of other siels who grew up with things he didnt have and had to work for. He usually masks his trauma from his past with jokes and avoidance. Under the mask he portrays and wears around like some sort of trophy he does have quite a few good qualities which siels or well his friends can eventually become familiar with, given he hasnt scared them off yet. He is very hard-working, persistent, determined and quick witted. Sometimes can even be affectionate, optimistic, reliable, sincere, loyal and lovable to a potential mate or a very closse friend.

Despite being heavily masculine, though their voice makes them sound somewhat feminine, they dont favor a certain pronoun. when asked they usually just shrug it off confusing the asker. he sometimes gives in and goes by he/them or they/them. When he was only a foal, his parents abandoned him by a seashore, not wanting to bare the responsibilities of a babe anymore, hoping h'll eventually die off since he was already so weak. eventally, smuggler/pirates found him and took him in as their own, caring for them, taught him their ways of living and survival on the waters, even gifting him his own ship to travel on his own for his 50th birthday. Eilane always thinks hes in debt to them, visiting them every now and then in their secret outposts and ships bearing gifts since they love them so much. there's not many of the smugglers who knew him around anymore, they are all usually going into hiding, or dying, as they are outcasts, murderers, looters or well, thieves, who get their bad reputation from Vanbourne traders. The leader of the smugglers who took him in was the one who gave him his tattoo that runs from his shoulders down one of his legs. The meaning behind it is sacred despite it being quite a simply looking tattoo, only him and the leader knows and he doesnt plan on telling anyone, anytime soon. Despite his large tattoo, he doesnt have many visible scars, he heals his wounds quickly and as best as he can leaving no room for scarring as he thinks it makes him look unclean.

✦ Trivia
● Tattoo glows light blue whenever he uses alot of his powers.
● Carries around a lasso for lassoing souls and prey, including a knife
● Wears around his most expensive jewelry, including a gold belt buckle
● His markings best resembles a calico cat, the stripes inside the splotches are of a zebras
● His second set of forelimbs are optional.

✦ Relationships

profile html by Hukiolukio