
3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Jewel

Gender: Male, Questioning

Age: 13 years

Pokemon: Torracat+Boltund Hybrid

Role: Loner (Previously thrown away)

Pronouns: He/Him/Himself They/Them/Themself

Story (Major WIP): The abandoned one in the royal family. Jewel was simply discarded by his parents, and put in a cell, free to be abused. The only pokemon he saw that were his real friends were Spark, his servant, and Tahani, his friend who came around occasionally. After 13 years of being alone, Tahani, Spark, and he chose to attempt to escape the dreaded kingdom. They succeeded, and he never noticed anything wrong with his friends until they started to go crazy, mentally. Currently, he is the only one of the 3 to not have any mental or physical problems.