Ellari's Comments

Immediately fell in love with this cutie! I think she would be a great DND character! Her name would be Ellari.

Ellari is a very small Kenku. While most of her brethren are larger Hawk, Raven or Crow type humanoids she herself is a not so common Sparrow type. Although her more delicate stature might have dissuaded others her spunky and feisty personality left no room for such hinderances because Ellari was determined to be an adventurer! What better goal was there than to aspire to be a Hero saving the day with overpowering strength! Thus she threw herself into Barbarian training. Her instructors tried to convince her otherwise but she would not be stopped and continued to show up everyday until she reached level 1! 2! Then 3!!! But then she plateaued...try as hard as she could she could make no more progress in this class... Having her dream dissipate before her eyes at her bodies limits was nearly enough to finally demoralize her. Until she had a chance encounter with another...and a new dream bloomed in her heart. Do all Heroes need be Paladins, Fighters or Barbarians? Can not one help save the day from the shadows? Did she really need to be in the limelight to do good deeds? Instead she could become a Rogue and help support others in the fight for good. Her small and swift nature would after all make her a perfect fit for this class...AND she did still have the three levels of Barbarian to smack a decent wallop that no evil doer would ever expect ha ha. Yes this would suit her perfectly. But Ellari's venture into multi-class is a story for another time.

Hopefully this is okay, I think she would be such a fun character! I can just imagine her getting fed up in a battle and throwing down her little rouge dagger and being like OKAY I RAGE and being like these feathers are about to rain some pain onto you! XD

I wanted to flesh out my idea a bit more so I'm adding some more background info as to why she wanted to be a hero/adventurer.

Ellari grew up in a nomadic tribe that migrated with the changes of the seasons. She was always a rambunctious child and loved getting into everything. Her curiosity knew no bounds and when she was not playing with the other fledglings she was often underfoot of the adults. Ellari was particularly smitten by the hunters of her tribe and how cool they were to her young eyes. She often tried to offer her assistance but was always redirected to helping out the gatherers on the grounds of being too young and too small. Being a child her attention was generally easily swayed until one day that changed everything.

Goblins had moved into a cave near her tribes migratory land one season and often harried her people. While the hunters could deal with a few at a time the amount of goblins that has spread during their season away was too much for them to safely handle. And thus the tribe had to request aid from the adventures' guild in the hopes of not being run off from their ancestral lands.
A small party of adventures were dispatched and it was a day Ellari would never forget. With their air of strength and shiny metal armor and weapons they were a sight to behold. They camped with the tribe on the way back from dealing with their monster problem and they were happy to regal them with stories of their adventures.

Ellari was hooked. Whenever the adults went into town to trade she begged them to bring her back books of heroic adventures. Often she helped unbidden in order to gain more favor of those in charge of trade since silly story books were not of need to any other in the tribe. But all the same Ellari treasured and devoured any precious book brought back to her.
In this way her dream to become a hero herself took seed. For awhile her tribe thought she would outgrow these fanciful dreams but in the end once they saw her dedication she was eventually allowed to learn a little from the hunters and occasionally taken out on small relatively safe hunts. Once she grew older the tribe helped to raise funds for her to attend the small training academy in the nearby town and that is where her story truly began.

Holy smokes!!! Thanks for writing so much, I'll send Ellari over!! :D


Ahh! Thank you!!! I'm so happy to rehome her, I love her so much!