Veiro - Neir/Vie - Zeivren



3 years, 7 months ago


A shiny Deino/ Zweilous/ Hydreigon pokemon. Has both regular pokemon forms, as well as more anthropomorphic versions!
He is blind for all 3 evolution forms (though he gains some light vision as a hydreigon).

As is customary for the deino evolution line, he is known by different names throughout his life.
Deino - Veiro
Zweilous - Vie (right head) & Neir (left head)
Hydreigon - Zeivren

He is very very shy for most of his early life as a deino, relying greatly on others to navigate himself through life. Veiro was raised in a pokemon foster care home, and didn't really have a great time there. This is were he meets the ponyta Tunya for a short time, who was very possive of him in a *sorta* brotherly way, but overall was just toxic to him. He stays a deino for a lot longer than other pokemon of his species usually do.

When he finally becomes a zweilous (around the stage of being an older teenager/ young adult), his heads split into two separate personalities. Their left head Neir became extremely protective of the more reserved and quiet right head Vie. They both started to refuse help from others, which leads them into a good amount of trouble. They also meet Tunya (as a rapidash) once again during this time.

At the adult hydreigon stage, the personalities of Neir and Vie merged into Zeivren. He once again became fairly introverted and shy, though with perhaps more confidence than he had as a child. The heads on his hands do not have any brains or personality of their own, but Zeivren often uses them to express certain thoughts and emotions he's feeling, rather than using his main head to do so.