Taho Slaravenski



7 years, 2 months ago



Taho Slaravenski

The seventh Slaravenski child, under the influence of the astrological sign Cancer.

  • [ Familly Name ] Slaravenski (Ssla-Ra-Ven-Skee)
  • [ Name ] Taho (Ta-Hoe)
  • [ Nickname ] -----
  • [ Age ] A few billions. Immortal.
  • [ Gender ] Mostly male, but it can be anything.
  • [ Sexual Orientation ] Everything.
  • [ Species ] Children of Gaia, Demon.
  • [ Height ] 5'6'' ft
  • [ Weight ] 132 lbs
  • [ Wing Lenght ] 8'2'' ft
  • [ Tail Lenght ] 8'0'' ft
  • [ Personnality ] Sadistic | Horny | Cunning

« Oh my ~ What do we have here ? Would it be appropriate to introduce myself to you toys ? ... Oh ? You don't like the nickname ? Too bad then, for I shall play with you and there is no stopping me ~ ❤ »




Taho has a long and complex history and multiple character arcs, considering the span of his immortality. There is, however, three moments that are more important than the rest. But first, let's start from the beginning.

Arc 1.0

Taho, along with his siblings, was created when his Mother the Earth and his Father the great blue sky met at the moment of creation. The union of both material and concept generated an unlimited amount of energy that needed to be contained in some way. Father the great blue sky took it upon himself to make enough vessel to contain the flow of this unlimited energy, in order to avoir the destruction of the Mother earth. Those vessels where Taho and his siblings. From that moment onward, the unsteady vessel melted and fought and consolidated again in a perpetual war as they slowly took form. The energy was so strong it was like trying to solify metal in lava. It took millenias, if not billenias for them to finally have a solid enough shape to roam about freely and gain conscience.

As he started to gain conscience of the world, life was begining on earth. He got to mingle with all sorts of lifeforms and learn of the world bits by bits, fighting instinctively with his siblings whenever they would meet, as they unconsciously relived their beginning. Taho grew, took on a more humanoid form as he spent more time with humans and adapted to their small societies. One thing that being immortal does for him is make time go by a lot faster. An entire human lifespan is but a mere second in his eyes. It was one of the aspect that fascinated him the most about the living organism on his mother. Learning of their ways and thoughts was his hobby for the longest time. So much so that he tried to fit the human lifestyle many many times. He was kind and curious. Innocent. That innocence would be the begining of his first drastic change in perspective.

In one of the life he undertook, he found himself abused to his core by the humans he so admired. He was aware of the ugly sides of humans, but having to experience that ugliness broke him. Tainted his mind. As if he absorbed so much of the darkness of humans. The multiple, repeated abuse over centuries eventually made him snap, breaking free of his current situation with unbefore seen violence. Every bit of kindness and gentleness drained from him. Never did he think that he would hurt the humans, but it was too much.

Arc 2.0

The old couple. Puppeteer. Up to after Sammyou's attempted suicide and then he took control of him. This is the darkest most cruel part of his life. He was the cruel one. Started his encyclopedias of everything in those times. The Dragon Charm story takes place in this time span too.

Arc 3.0

He met Quell and it changed his life forever.


Taho doesn't use any sort of weapon. Everything he has and owns is his magic and his puppets. Althought, I guess we can say that his puppets are a type of weapon of his. They are usually made of wood or metal or human bodies and are strenghtened and controlled by his magic. Other than that, he uses his magical abilities or his fist to fight.


  • Arcane des ténèbres
  • Kuraï Kassut
  • Dämon Firen


Quell Lir.


Mother Earth, Gaia. Father the great blue sky. Jegan, Mina, Vish-nu, Nathanielle, Sardonix, Shudinia, Phanix, Bëshal, Mishäkal, Deomist, Lyon.


Vincent Lir, Sammyou Vacan, Chiba, Isaiah ''Pocky'' Owen, Owein, Mano.
