Remi Baylor (Bandit (PetPet))



3 months, 2 days ago


Bandit is Remy's pet companion. Remy was roped into painting pumpkins with her coworkers, and thought it would be funny to use absolutely zero creativity and just paint herself. She had just walked inside after allowing the pumpkin time to dry, and realized she forgot her scarf. Grumbling all the while, Remy stepped back outside to find not only her scarf missing, but her pumpkin as well. She searched high and low for both (out of the principle of the matter, more than anything), but eventually had to call it quits. All the while, she had no clue that she had a little creature following her. Remi walked home and tucked herself into bed, ready to fall asleep until she saw an errie light outside of her window. When she finally dragged herself out of bed and thrust her sheer curtains open, she was confronted with the view of a little... wispy.... thing.... wearing both her scarf and her pumpkin! Remi immediately tried to dive out her window to catch the little thief, but to no avail. She ended up falling partially out of her window, much to the little creature's amusement.

Remi vowed to get revenge on the little troublemaker, especially when they kept following and taunting her everywhere. At her work, at the grocery store, in a greenhouse, nowhere was safe from the little menace. Remi started to get exasperated more than anything, and eventually decided to try ignoring the creature to see it's reaction. At first, it was confused. Then, it tried harder to grab her attention, but to no avail. It then began to get really sad and mope around, and seemed genuinely depressed at the lack of attention. It was in it's lowest moments that Remi struck, finally catching the little animal. It tossed and turned and tried to get her off of it, but Remi held tight until the psyhokythi finally gave up the struggle. It was at that point that Remi finally released them, only to gently pat the top of the pumpkin the creature had stolen so long ago. "What am I going to do with you, you silly little bandit", Remi smirked. And that was how Bandit managed to steal their trufflefloss' heart.

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