Vann Bolten



3 years, 7 months ago


"There's always a solution somewhere,"
Name Vann Bolten
Pronouced Vah-n
Age Adult
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Height Tall
Species Ish
Race Wolfish
Living-Class Poor
Role Mechanic
Songs X
Story Robots
Importance ★Side Character


SUMMARY: 28682958_x6ATNQPiIqqbAZB.png
   Vann is a generally friendly fellow, who tends to assume the best of others, and has a lot of room in his heart. He's a very good judge of character, and has a very warm laugh. He runs a small mechanic shop with his husband, and tries to make sure the space is safe for people who want to come in and craft things. He's just very emotional guy.

71326336_wxE2iqUiH0CKN3p.png Bently Bolten --- Husband
He loves this guy so deerly, get it, cause, he'd deerish. Do you get it. But really, he's so grateful for Bently, who allows him to express his worries without judgement. He's happy to be able to share his life with him.
23618538?1695697934 Kepo Bolten --- Son
He would do literally anything for Kepo, he loves him with his whole heart, and wants to give him the world. He worries a lot about him, and wants to support him.
Jacobi%20Icon.png Jacobi Nedson --- Friend & Buisness Partner
Jacobi is Vann's buisness partner and a long time friend of his. They run their mechanics shop together, Jacobi often handles customers and more technical repairs.

+ Creative spirit, he loves seeing what people can come up with and build, its part of the reason he wants his shop to be a community space
+ Making people feel trusted, he thinks this is such an important feeling
+ Cleaning things, it's so satisfying to make something dirty become sparkly

+ Pollution, and the wealthy people behind it. He can and WILL rant to you for the next 36 hours about how much he hates the harmful negative repercussions of companies thinking they can use poor living spaces as landfills
+ Sour things
+ The smell of smoke
+ Robots, living, not living, he doesn't care about the rumors, it's causing a ruckus, and taking away jobs. 

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+ Deaf in one ear due to an ear-infection (the floppy one)
+ Chews on things when he's nervous