Emma Allen



3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Emma Allen
Hero Name: Emeralda
Quirk: Mineral Control
Age: 16 years old
Species: Human
Gender: Female
DOB: September 19
Nationality: Part American, Part Australian, Half Norwegian
Blood Type: A+
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 99.3 lbs
Eye Color: Half yellow, half green
Hair Color: Brown with green tips
Skin Color: Slightly tan
Likes: Reading, animals, collecting new minerals, healthy foods, cleaniness, being active, variety of music, practicing her quirk, earthy colors, down-to-earth & loose or tight fitted clothes
Dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, being center of attention, lazy people, spontaneous & loud people, seeing work being half done, abusers & stalkers, villians
Personality: Loyal, kind, shy, logical, over self-critical, hardworking though tends to overwork, calm, respectful, down-to-earth, prideful, anxious, perfectionst, modest
Born in America and in a rich family, Emma was told that she was spoiled and prissy when in truth, she's a hard working and modest young woman. Plus, Emma has always been a respectful and calm person who tends to go explore and collect nature souvenirs, mainly mineral rocks and crystals which happens to be her quirk so she can practice and try out new ways to make her quirk effective. Though having to move from her home country to Japan due to her parents' jobs to which her mother is a famous model and her father is a vice president of a popular worldwide company, it changed Emma a bit dramatically personality-wise, especially at the age of nine. She became more anxious, shy, and over self-critical as well as prideful and perfectionist. But it didn't stop her from staying calm, kind, and respectful to her new neighbors and such. As well as down to the earth and loyal when it comes to meeting new people and making new friends.

Growing up in Japan was a big change in her life especially when it came to her new diet, her new school, and exploring the new wilderness. But luckily, it wasn't hard to grow accustom to her new life in Japan especially as she trains with her quirk more and more every day and kept up with her studies. Ever since she was just a little girl, she has always dreamed to becoming a Hero. It didn't matter to her if she became a normal Hero or a Pro one. She just wanted to save lives and protect those who matter to her the most, mainly her family and very close friends. It was her dream and it always will be as she continues to practice and better her quirk powers.

Well, that is until she got into U.A. and into Class 1-A on the first day of school. There, she met Denki Kaminari, the boy with a electricity quirk though quite the pervert like Mineta. Sure, at first, she just ignored him. But that changed when they became study partners. Ooh why why why her of all of the classmates? But true to her respectful nature, she sucked it up and would help Denki study when it was needed which was almost every time a test was coming up and every time they study together, Denki would be quite perverted towards her and she may or may not had to, how you say, force some common sense into his skull. Luckily, he managed to get the hint and tend to back off when need-be.

However, as time passed and as Denki and Emma started to spend time together, they got closer to one another. It was like they were magnetized to one another somehow. Even in class during training, they worked together like a team. Plus, Emma started to feel unknown feelings towards the electric boy. What are these feelings? Could she have... fallen in love with Denki? Would Denki feel the same? Who knows~?