Hikari [Vernid]'s Comments

Hi, I'm sorry for writing this comment and I know that it may seem rude for what I'm sorry but I just want to ask if there is a chance that this character would ever be for sale or trade or can I offer on them?

Hey, nah it's np. I've to say I still like her a lot, but if you want you can make an usd offer. I'm not really looking at trades ^^" I bought her for $120 but she's actually worth much more (was hard to get).

Hi, sorry for late response but it's still valid? 

Yes, it is. Feel free to offer x)

Idk if you're accepting characters but I have a lot of quality ocs on toyhou.se, you can browse freely and if I am not able to trade someone, I will let you know immediately ^^

Sry for the late reply, I was very busy! I took a look at your characters, but didn't see one I'd trade my vernid for. I've to say I'd prefer to sell them or trade them for a griffian (CS by griffsnuff)