


3 years, 5 months ago


Setting Sail, Coming Home
Bastion OST

01 — Profile

Name Excelsus
Nicknames Ex / X
Age 24
Gender Male ( He / Him )
Height 5'8
Birthdate March 20
Race Korbat
Element Fire

Designer wishbane
  • Royalboy Korbat

  • Cocky / Playful personality

  • Pirate Captain

  • Design has two versions ( second version has an eye patch and only one wing, this version can also have a second wing made out of fire )

  • Can be drawn with Vesulia (love interest), and Aurora (enemy)

02 — Character Summary


For someone named after something elevated and of high importance, Ex's childhood was anything but. Ex had a rough and merciless childhood, until he escaped to join a pirate crew. Despite the card he had been dealt with, Ex rose to the challenge and fought until the other pirates saw him as their equal, and time finally came when he commanded his own ship - a titanic ship with a figurehead of three-headed dragon -Furia, they called it.

During the Era of Blood, an unending war with the powerful sorceress Aurora in its heart, Ex and his crew relished in the spoils of the devastation and destruction. They attacked and looted survivors and provided services only for gold and other riches. Ex cared only for himself, his crew and all the materialistic things they could find. On one of his exploits he meets Vesulia, an unruly girl on a quest to end the war and the curse taking over her. She convinces him with a bribe to join her on her quest to defeat Aurora and end the war once and for all.

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03 — Background


Ex was born in a small village from Ignis, a land currently now in ruins. A sickly child born of a broken home and unwanted by his step mother, he was sold off in favor of her family's saving her step sister Gratia. There he endured countless trials, desentisized to an unforgiving world, right until he became a stowaway for a pirate crew. He thought highly of his captain and predecessor, who had takin him under his wing and treated him as if he were his own son. He thought him everything to learn about his trade, from navigating the seas to be someone fierce and relentless with their blade.

Being raised as a pirate, Ex's dreams were materialistic and loyal to his crew's. He wanted riches and power. He sought the possession of materialistic things as a symbol of stepping out of the dark place of his childhood.

X hated the lack of control he had over his life when he was younger. He hated himself more than he did those who have wronged him, for not being strong enough to defend himself, for not having the resources to lead a better life. He enjoyed the power he had over others and the thrill of the fight, the fact that he could finally fight back, it made him feel that no one could make him feel helpless again.

Ex's goal was to prove his worth to himself, to the people around him. He wants to be a captain of his own ship one day, to earn the respect of his crew and to be a good leader for them. His desires for prestige, to amass a certain amoung of wealth, to make a name for himself is his way of proving his importance and value to the world, and to his parents that threw him away.

He often thinks of his family and his sister, though he has yet to find the courage to find them. With the never ending war he fears they might have perished and does not have the strength to find it out for himself.

Ex yearned for adventures and conquests. He wishes to defeat the monster Varun, a legendary creature terrorizing the seas.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Ex finds joy in luxurious things, gold, feasts, and surrounding himself with treasures. He also enjoys good instrumental music/art and gatherings. He is always interested in the next hunt or conquest, or anything valuable. He gets easily disinterested/disengaged when there is nothing for him to gain.

He values the company of his crew greatly. He takes great pride in his ship and it's beauty, as well as his conquests and victories. His pride and arrogance often usually leads him into a lot of trouble.

He is conniving and can be very persuasive when there is something he wants, whether by words or his blade. While he puts on a front making it seem like he cares for no one, Ex is very protective of his crew. For the right price he's willing to lend his services whether it lends to further devastation of others.

He does not take kindly to anyone who disrespects or talks down to him. He fought tooth and nail to become captain, and his pride would not allow him to tolerate anyone who speaks ill of him and what he has worked hard for. Revenge comes swiftly to those who cross the line. He is very skilled in physical combat. He is ambidextrous, and fights with his cutlass. He can also control fire, but due to his upbringing he was not able to fully harness his magic.

Beliefs & Morals

Ex thinks highly of himself, proud of what he has accomplished. He fought tooth and nail survive and in order to be captain. Furia became his home, and he believed that it is his crew against the world. He treasures his family and keeps them close to his heart. He carries the weight of the responsibility of being a leader with pride. He believes that Furia will sail and conquer all of the seven seas, their conquests unmatched.

His jaded view of the world conflicted with his desire and compassion for his crew and for those like himself. Living a life exploiting the spoils of war was his reality- what he was forced to, raised to be- what he had accepted without question. While he wholeheartedly followed their code, he knew he was making the choice to turn a blind eye to his wrongdoings and mistakes, and to hurt others for his own selfish gain.

Meeting Vesulia made him face his own contradictions and ego, and forced him to look into his heart. She made him see that there was more to the world that his own duty to himself and his crew, and the true consequences of his actions.

Ex was able to truly see the horrors of war and the role he played in it, and he decided no more. Vesulia inspired him to look past the anger in his heart, past his pride, to use his power and abilities to help others.

Being a Captain

At a young age, Ex became a stowaway in a pirate ship where he would spend most of his childhood. Furia - they called it, an infamous ship known for terrorizing the seven seas. A scorned creature born of fire and bloodlust is carved into it's figurehead, and decorated in bright red.

Furia once belonged to a line of ships commissioned by a wealthy noble who used them as a demonstration of his wealth. It was then stolen by a group of marauders and the rest were destroyed. The ship was never recovered by it's rightful owner and has since been owned by pirates since then.

Furia terrorized the seas and attacked battle/leisure ships for supplies and treasure. They were also known for being the only ship to survive Varun, a menacing sea serpent.

Furia was destroyed during Aurora's seige of Tervos, a devastating event to go down in history for having taken most lives in one battle. In this day the kingdom of Tervos was reduced the kingdom into ashes and ruins by the powerful sorcerer, and sank any and all ships in the waters. This event left several of Ex's crew severely wounded, and in his attempt to saving a family he suffered life threatening injuries, including losing his left wing and eye.

The ship Anima was rewarded to Ex for his efforts in helping defeat Aurora by King Zaduago. Ex became the new captain, and along with his friend Vesulia and Ghost joining his crew, he sails for new adventures, assisting in healing a world broken by war.

Routine & Hobbies

As captain, Ex has many responsibilities in managing his crew and his ship. He wakes up very early and usually starts the day double checking the ropes, sails and pulleys to make sure all is secured. As being the only member of their crew with wings, he takes advantage of this and makes multiple rounds during to ensure everyone's safety. He then catches up and reassigns the late night shift keeping watch, whom will keep him updated with their current route that night as well as any other problems/events they might encounter.

He then proceeds to take account of their inventory and treasure. Being away from land for long periods of time, supplies are very crucial and even more important than jewels/gold. While it is something Ex could delegate to another of a lower rank, he takes a personal interest in the inner workings of his ship and wants to make sure everything is being properly stored and distributed, for mishandling could cause severe consequences for his whole crew.

Once everything is accounted for, Ex then turns his attention to navigation routes and take note of the dangers ahead. Life in the sea can be unpredictable, for there are many monsters scouring the seas to keep watch for. Varun is a gigantic sea monster that poses the biggest threat yet, thankfully they can be seen and heard from miles away. Sirens are also quite notorious for taking down ships, because of their enchanting voices the ship must be very careful to avoid infested areas- for once you are close enough to hear them you are forever lost. Thankfully the crew have been sailing for years and know the unforgiving seas very well, and are knowledgeable enough to steer clear of dangerous areas. They can go for days where there is nothing of note.

The most important thing a captain must take note of is running into leisure and battle ships from nearby kingdoms, as well as rival pirate ships. While these encounters can be dangerous they are essential to their survival, for these ships often have valuable supplies. Ex makes use of his flight to searching the seas hundreds of miles ahead, giving them a great advantage to scanning for threats.

When an encounter happens, whether it be an enemy ship or a sea monster, it is Ex's duty to lead his crew to battle and to protect their own. He trains daily to maintain his strength and abilities. He relies mostly on physical combat but from time to time he tries to practice his fire magic. While fire doesn't exactly do much against sea creatures, it's can be a huge advantage to destroying ships. However, doesn't rely on it much. What he knows he's had to learn on his own for he has never stopped on land long enough to hone his magic.

There are rare moments when Ex gets to enjoy himself and relax. Whenever they stop on land to gather and restock resources for their next voyage, Ex spends the most nights partying and enjoying feasts with his crew. There is nothing he enjoys more being able to unwind and celebrate their conquests, listening to music while everyone cheers and dances.

04 — Trivia

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed. Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus.

  • Augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. Euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin. Sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis.

  • Leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam. Auctor augue mauris augue neque. Scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra.

05 — Relationships

Significant Other

Vesulia is a stowaway who hijacked his ship, claiming to have come from a lost village Ex is all too familiar with. Vesulia and Ex strikes a deal for him to bring her to find Aurora to end the war, with the promise of riches in return. During their journey they form a close bond, she helps him see past his materialistic desires and skewed morals, and inspires him to be more compassionate and use his power and abilities for more than just his own personal gain. After the war, Ves becomes a permanent member of his crew and they sail together for new adventures and helping those in need, doing their part to restore a broken world in their own way.


The Era of Blood was a never-ending war that lasted for more than a decade, and at the heart of it all was Aurora, a powerful sorceress who played god just because she could. She is the herald of Scylla, one of the last remaining Elementals that ruled the world before the Deities. The war was a ritual she would use to bring back the fallen Elementals who would destroy all life and claim the world once more.