Kai Lania



3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Kai Lania
Name meaning: Sea, Ocean

Age: 15-16

Species: Mermaid 

Height: 5’3 ft (160 cm)

Birthday: May 16
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Personality: Kai is very bubbly and talkative. In any social setting, she can easily take initiative and get things rolling, as she's very spontaneous and lively. Surprisingly though, she thinks things through before acting, and doesn't ever act on impulse alone. However, due to her hyperactive personality, most other's don't take her seriously and believe her to be an airhead. 

Likes: exploring, parties, jewelry, magic, desserts
Dislikes: being alone, overthinking, humans

Extra Facts:
- Kai is Serena's cousin on her mother's side. Due to their closeness in age, they were raised like sisters and are very close to one another.
- Like Serena, she has a love of exploring, however she prefers caverns and other places in the ocean, and isn't very fond of the surface.
- She doesn't particularly like humans, and has no fondness for them.
- Unlike Serena, she's never explored the surface, and is unaware of Serena's later ventures there.
- She is a romantic at heart.
- She is very spacy, and is often daydreaming.
- She loves parties and other social gatherings, and is often the life of the party.
- She studies healing magic with Serena, and is pretty good at it
- she loves eating sweet things
- Her favorite color is purple