Constellation (true sona)




Nickame: Stella
Age: 27
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: they / them
Birthday: August 5th
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: space bunny
Height: 5'6"
Orientation: Demisexual Panromantic
Occupation: freelance artist
Home: earth's moon
Closest Friends: Estrelle, Nebula, Solis
Favorite color: dioxazine purple
  • raves
  • smoking
  • performing
  • galaxy aesthetic
  • glowing in the dark
  • anime conventions

Constellation is a self insert character I designed a while back, based off of a pair of custom glow in the dark galaxy bunny ears & tail I got commissioned through @Lushears on Instagram. Stella was designed using exclusively things I already own, that way when my ears & tail come in I'll be able to cosplay her right away. I plan to use Constellation a lot for the night scene of anime cons, since the galaxy seifuku was already a staple of mine. I absolutely can't wait to bring them to life!!

Stella is going to be an exact mirror of myself, particularly how I am during anime cons (so like, peak performance, I guess) they're an absolute comfort character for me. I plan to keep Constellation's hair length at the exact length mine is irl, but not the color because I change mine too often and it would throw off Stella's perfect galaxy aesthetic. So when I eventually get my hair cut short again, so will Stella!

  • being laughed at
  • hangovers
  • being startled
  • bad smells
  • tail being pulled
  • having to pack up and leave anime conventions