
7 years, 2 months ago


Name: Lori Sallow

Nicknames: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Species: Human bunny hybrid

Height: 5'0

Weight: 109 lbs

Birthday: June 9th

Hometown: N/A

Current Residence: N/A

Occupation: Makeup artist/cosmetic creator

Accessories: Hair bows, headband

Family: Mom (Unnamed), Dad (Unnamed), Sister (Unnamed), Sister (Unnamed), Brother (Unnamed)

Friends: N/A

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Lori is very sweet and nice to people, unless she has a reason to dislike them. She's respectful with everyone she meets and is quick to make friends with her appoitments since she loves to make conversation. Lori is very detail oriented as well as organized, she cannot stand any sort of mess.  She's a heavy makeup and self-love enthusiast! She believes that people should love themselves with or without makeup, and will be very quick to drop people who think Lori may use "too much makeup" or says people who use makeup "lie." She can't stand it, and has gotten into many a twitter argument over the subjects.

Flaws: Lori is sometimes a little too much of a neat freak and will freak about misplaced objects or a slightly messy makeup display, and she won't settle for anything less than the best, which can stress the people around her. Along with this, because of being so opionated she can get very heated about her beliefs which can cause arguments with other people (even strangers!) and it doesn't always help her reputation for her buisness.

Abilities/Powers: Heightened hearing and scent

Disabilities and Disorders (Mental and Physical): N/A

Fears: N/A

Backstory: N/A