Jōki Uchiha



3 years, 6 months ago


AKA 'Weed Uchiha.' Character made for a Naruto DnD oneshot; said DnD game takes place in a kinda different timeline/in the future of the actual show. Chill fella who's always blazing it, babey; it does wonders for that Sharinglaucoma (and for dulling the emotions so that pesky Uchiha-go-wild gene doesn't get triggered).

Class: Genjutsu Specialist Lv. 9

Stats: STR 8 | DEX 20 | CON 12 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 20

Joki is a lax and unmotivated guy from the Leaf Village who just wanted some normal job but his folks made him become a ninja. His parents-- especially father-- are classic Uchiha who are adamant about furthering their clan's status and power. Thus, from early childhood Joki has been constantly hounded to excel as a Shinobi and attain power. Growing up being subjected to his parent's strict rules and increasingly disturbing attempts at getting his Sharingan powers to activate, Joki began to spend most of his evenings and nights belligerently bumming about on the streets. That along with the drug habit he picked up has given him the reputation of an unruly hooligan to be avoided in his hometown-- in reality, he's chill enough, and will even jump in to defend those being picked on from bullies, although he doesn't particularly seek out friendships. While his habit of smoking drugs and cigs started off as a recreational hobby, he relies on it now as a coping mechanism, wishing to dull his senses and emotions as he is frightened of becoming consumed by his emotions as other Uchiha of the past were.

Combat/training wise, Joki slacks off as much as he possible can. However, he's kind of insanely dexterous when needed, and has a natural gift for Genjutsu, with many powerful moves up his sleeve. His preferred method of combat is staying back and avoiding it as much as possible, but if he has to fight, appearing out of the shadows with a few critical strikes or with one powerful Genjutsu to disable his opponent. On the other hand, his being constantly under the influence and lack of drive dull his physical strength and critical thinking. He's kind of like that character trope of "comic relief character secretly just has some wild powers but they don't wanna use 'em."