


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Harry Jr. Guin Fisher






The most greatest and well known magician in 1860, had a wife that is pregnant, a nice house and a car, he has everything he needed in life, but one day he got caught buying drugs yet he didn't, the last thing he knew when he woke up was that everyone hates him, he didn't even know what he did on some days, and then his career started falling apart, his wife leave him because he's no longer financially stable.

10 years have passed until Harry realized that he has a split personality, his other self was the one who got caught buying drugs, Harry was so angry he wanted to kill himself so that he will no longer feel the pain living in this world, Harry and his other self are very different but they have one thing in common, and that is showing tricks, Harry likes showing off his tricks to entertain people while his other self likes showing tricks in order to kill people.

One day Harry had a dream where he was sitting on a chair all locked up with chains while his other self is freely moving, he felt like he was drowning, he can't move his body yet his other self is continuously talking while walking.

When Harry woke up his body felt lightened, and he no longer has the other self living inside him.

after that he was now known to be a trickster that murders peopleĀ