Tyrus Monger



3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Tyrus Monger

Gender:  He/They

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 28

Species: Human

Rank: Traveling Merchant

Home Village: Nix

Personality: This man is incredibly laid back. He tends to have a guard up on all if not most occasions but does his best to come off as friendly and inviting. He tends to be overly cautious and a little obsessive. Tyrus tries to hide his insecurities over his own movement with overconfidence in just about everything. That often comes back to bite him in the ass later. Though he may be a very good observer Tyrus is actually really awful at social cues. He makes up for this by being a very good liar.

Bio: Tyrus grew up in a moderately rich home in Nix, born to a family of Merchants. His mother, father, and 2 sisters all lived together in a large home that doubled as their store front. Tyrus spent most of his childhood learning how to handle the business side of things and watching his mother man the store front with his eldest sister. Soon he got into helping with the customers himself.

Tyrus had an accident when he was around 7 or 8 years old. He climbed a tree with some neighborhood kids and when he fell he really injured his hip and left leg. He never recovered correctly and has used a cane ever since. He now limps every where he goes but refuses to let this handicap stop him as much as he can.

Once he had gotten 23 years old, and had a rather rough argument with his father, he bought a caravan and started traveling around the country buying and selling products to make a living. His family hasn't disown him, he just feels like it would be better for him to be out on his own.

Tyrus's relationship with his mother is a strained one. He blames her for his problem with his father but he does try to put it behind him. They are on speaking terms.

Tyrus is not too enthusiastic about his father. He is colder towards Tyrus due to the fact that he looks nothing like him. He is the only one that does not get a letter from Tyrus

Our traveling Merchant loves his two sisters. The three of them stuck up for each other all the time and the eldest would often times try to right their father's wrongs while the younger sister provided him comfort. They where drastically different but very much cared for Tyrus and it shows.

He has the ability to grow plants a little faster than they normally grow. It is incredibly draining and only useful to get extra herbs sooner or tripping someone as it is not a powerful skill.