
3 years, 6 months ago


Asagao Beckett

Called Asagao

Gender Female

Pronouns she/her

Sexuality Ace-aro

Age 16

DOB April 6th

Race Fae

Ethnicity Japanese/ Altic

Role Year Eleven Student

Theme Lag Train

Pinterest Pinterest

HTML Pinky


"Hello~! My name's Asagao, but if you prefer a nickname than I don't mind as long as it's not rude obviously. I'm the leader of the Newspaper Club, so if you want to join or hear any specific details about school events than I can tell you anything you need. Oh, ahh, there's no need for you to worry about my health but it's kind of you to notice, if you really want to help me then who am I to stop you, ehe."



A student beloved by all, Asagao prompts a positive attitued with anyone she meets, most people straying towards her joyful and confident attitude and huggable energy. She's reputable around the school for being the primary member of the Newspaper Club and the hard work she puts into getting the proper information needed for it, alongside learning other meticulous details. She's also known for her constant smile and kindness she shares for everyone. Under all that, she deals with chronic pains she's had since birth which may be intertwined with a strange ability of hers; to see the unseen. Although she may not always have the health to focus on her grades, she is hardworking and a popular student.

First appearance

Lilium thought curiously of Asagao when they first met as kids, Lilium being newly introduced to their household. She was a sickly child so for a moment Lilium felt pity, then unsolicited remorse. Despite Lilium's distance and Asagao's chronic issues, Asagao still made an attempt to talk to her, and despite getting brushed off so often, she stuck it out. Even to this day, Asagao sticks by Lilium's side through thick and thin, and will continue to do so.

Newspaper Club

Asagao boasts being the leader of Bruswood High's Newspaper Club. The Newspaper Club prioritises compiling updates on social events around the school, amongst other important dates. They take photos, compile posters, and provide catching articles on recent events. They work with the teacher body and school council to make the newsletter as well. They even have a board outside the classes which is posted with regular updates, most being normal school notes like the school calendar, posters, and other club signs---the classic school stuff. But sometimes the board can be found to be used for misleading manners, most of the time Asagao has to quicly clean it up, other times she lets it stay a little while longer.

Magick Sickness

Despite her constant positive attitude, Asagao physically struggles with certain chronic pains as a result of unknown reasons for magick sickness. Doctors haven't found particular reasons for it other than an idea that her body may contain more mana than her physical body can handle, resulting in such chronic pain that weakens her with age.


Height 158cm + 5cm

Build Chubby

Eyes Dark brown + light blue partial heterochromia

Skin Tone Fair

Hair Color Dark brown

Hair Style Long hime cut

Demeanor Bubbly


  • She has partial heterochromia, the lower third of her right eye and opposing fifth of her other eye is light blue.
  • Would wear yami kawaii themed clothes.
  • The pupil of her eye is not as functional as it should be.
  • Has a print on her shirt which is hidden by her sweater.
  • The underlayer of her skirt has shorts.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Soft, caring, and undoutedly huggable, Asagao is popular for her positive attitude and aura of loving all. She loves pink things and all things fluffy and colourful, including cute stationary.




One of Asagao's favourite things to collect is stationary having an assortment of highlighters, pens, and mostly erasers ofmany different shapes and colours. It's a result of having a habit of erasing her letters consistently in order to have a sense of perfection in her handwriting and the creation of her notebook pages.

Close Friends

Having no interest in relationships, Asagao treats all her friends and the Newspaper Club warmly, always hugging them and if they don't like than she shows them affection in other ways. She's open to hold their hands for comfort, relaxation, or just holding hands for the sake of holding hands. The Newspaper Club is basically her queer-platonic harem, they all love her.




Queer-platonic gf

Asagao's closest friend, she loves to hang around her and hear out what she says. Asagao doesn't care for how distant Odette may be at times, instead overly excited at the baked goods Odette makes and she eats in turn. She cherishes the generous side of Odette, enjoying the easing company and help Odette gives to her.

"She doesn't stand out as much




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Close friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

