Type R



3 years, 6 months ago


full name: Specialist Project Type R

Type R, or Rea as she eventually calls herself, is an enigmatic young woman appearing to be in her early 20s. She doesn't remember her name, where she came from, what she did past a specific point in time, or even how she lost her right eye. Despite this though, Type R is very bubbly and optimistic to the point of naivety, and is never seen without a smile on her face.

While she eventually would like to uncover her past, she's more invested in the world around her, learning as much as she can about her unfamiliar surroundings and hearing the stories of anyone she comes across in her day to day life. Oftentimes, Type R will only speak to ask questions, finding herself being more of a listener than a speaker whenever she makes a new friend.

Type R currently resides in the company of Kalen (yet to draw or make profile for lol), an AI program residing within a house on the outskirts of a devastated city once known as the Pneumetric District. Type R feels a very deep connection with Kalen, and feels like he might have known her before she lost her memories.