Aungtea Van Helsing (Ship art)



3 years, 6 months ago


Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Birthday Feb. 19th
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Gender Male
Orientation Pansexual
Birthday May 26th
Alignment Neutral Good
Height Difference
13 cm
5,1 cm

Age Difference

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
How they met

Aungtea and Drake first meet after Aungtea's first capture and escape from Rain. Since Aungtea wasn't familiar with the Atrum Forest, or those who lived there he ended up collapsing at Drakes castle doors in the middle of the winters first snowfall. Raspberry, Aungtea's newfound friend/horse, made enough noise that the staff found them. Which leads to Aungtea waking up in their care and due to his trust issues he began to try and find a way out. This is where Drake had to step in once the servents realized they couldn't keep up with Aungtea. So Drake tracked him down and the 2 end up in a small fight, where Aungtea gets his first taste of the Van Helsing and Dracula curse. (Neither family can cause harm to the other without recieving the exact cut they delivered.)

Their Relationship

Aungtea in the beginning isn't exactly fond of Drake or any vampires. His main concern being survival. Yet as he get's to know Drake and those surounding him, he begins to find himself warming up to the other and even trying to be more friendly towards him. Which becomes a little strained since Foy, his best friend HATES monsters and is a little convinced Aungtea is being tricked. Drake however has made it very clear that is not his intent.

Drake is a very patient person and often will let Aungtea lean on him if he needs it. He'll even give Aungtea advice and show him the otherside to monsters that Aungtea had never known. He's also very willing to protect Aungtea if he needs it, but he doesn't preasure Aungtea to accept it since Aungtea prefers to work alone.

How Aungtea feels

Aungtea has had a relationship before, which usually ended with Aungtea either killing a creature that simply wanted to devour him or with his lover being intimidated by Aungtea's curse. So Aungtea finds himself a bit more unsure with Drake, since he treats him like an individual and not some meal, or exotic creature. Aungtea can't help but find himself falling for Drake, but he pulls back from fully accepting it since he and Drake are in a manner oposites. Aungtea knows it's his fate to kill and hunt monsters, but Drake challanges the idea that Aungtea couldn't love a monster. Yet Aungtea continues to try and cling to the idea of being normal. (This doesn't change until later when his last shred of Normalicy is severed.) After that he fully caves and tosses aside the normal element he'd so desperatly tried to achieve.

How Dracula feels

Drake at first is mainly just concerned about Aungtea since it's obvious he knew very little about the world of monsters that he'd been thrown into. So he takes up the mantle that Aungtea's parents didn't have the chance to and begins to teach Auntea all he can about the creatures he hunts and how best to deter them, Or even how to reason with one. So the 2 of them spend a good chunk of time together which allows Drake to get to know the rabbit, and he would be lying if he said he didn't fall for Aungtea. Aungtea can be a stubborn and challanging rabbit, but he's very smart and often will start a game of hide and seek, all so he can read in peace. But as Drake got to know Aungtea he realized just how special Aungtea is. They both crave a semblance of Normalicy and Aungtea without realizing it gives Drake that feeling of being equal, Despite their race difference.


  • Aungtea every once in a while will help make Drake's food. Which Drake can actually eat to his surprise.
  • Drake has lost a lover before and actually fears losing Aungtea too. So he takes threats towards Aungtea personally.
  • The 2 of them actually begin to unlock each others nature, which happens when they're in danger usually.
  • Drake actually repairs Aungtea's clothing when theres a tear, which Aungtea wasn't aware of until he catchs him.