


3 years, 6 months ago



Known as Salvager
Real name unknown
Weapon spear gun, harpoon
Motive cursed
Smells Like seaweed and rust
Repelled by Physical force

cursed and dying to get it broken

The Salvager is a cursed supernatural entity similar to Jason Voorhees - can be injured and downed, but never killed and never stopped for long. He is cursed to do his duty until it is completed, and will kill those who get in his way or are just unlucky to be in his path. Not evil and does not seek out to harm people, but there is a clear frustration and anger hidden inside. This makes him sympathetic to some, who just see him as a trapped and unfortunate soul and if you follow the rules (don't be out and about in the fog, don't get in his way or stop him from getting his scrap) you won't get hurt.

His story/lore is around being a marine salvager - different tales are told as he is somewhat an urban legend, but it boils down to him unknowingly salvaging materials from a 'cursed' ghost ship that sunk. He was unaware of the ship's nature as were the other men, and on their return journey their own ship ran aground where all died. This information gets found after it's discovered in old company records scratched from public record, as it would tarnish the reputation of the company that were essentially the founders and backbone of the small seaside town. While the Salvager is cursed, this is also partially revenge, as some of the families in town are descended from people that covered up the botched salvage.

Other notes: doesn't speak, but raspy breathing can be heard. Glass is stained and tinted with age, partially covered in algae and impossible to see the face behind it (not that you'd probably want to). Often soaking wet - this can hint as his presence as wet footprints are a usual giveaway. Not hard to avoid - just avoid the heavy footsteps and keep an ear out for the breathing. Can be distracted from hurting/killing someone with scrap metal or damaged appliances - new or good condition items don't work, they're not manky enough for salvage material. Sea birds and creatures are attracted to him (fly above/follow him, on buildings he's in, crustaceons in strange places can hint he's nearby/present).

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