


3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info








Trans man








Fox is my master OC for my friend Ashe's Fate tabletop game! He's also my stupidest character, and I love him.

He has crest worms because he got very drunk and thought it was going to be a good idea. His mate Dennis also had them because they did it together as a "bro thing". Dennis is dead. Fox keeps vomiting/coughing up bugs. It's a very casual thing nowadays: he'll just excuse himself to do it and pretend nothing happened. It's pretty unsettling. Like other people with crest worms, he fucks to survive. Though he spits bugs at people (literally and figuratively) he's not a bad mage. He can summon a swarm of bees to attack people with, and can trap people in amber (this is hereditary magic) which stuns and debuffs them. When the bees are already out this attack turns to honey. 

Through a combination of luck and trauma he, estranged from his mage family, became the head of it and now calls the shots, which basically means that he's rich and can do whatever dumb shit he wants. His family/heritage is Slavic and he moved to the UK from the US when he was a child. You wouldn't be able to tell, since he has a British accent. 

It goes without saying that he's mentally ill and a little bit twisted. He makes a lot of decisions because they're funny and emotional dysregulation makes him live in the moment too much. His hypothetical Grail wish used to be something noble, impossible, and reeking of a hero-complex, but after having crest worms for 2 years his wish has changed. He now wants to have them in a way that doesn't make him fall to bits and rot. Fox wants to keep the benefits, and he doesn't actually mind the worms themselves - all he wants is for the Grail to take away the nasty side effects because he really wants to live past 25 despite being an impulsive mess. At his core he cares about his few close friends and the world too much to ever give up on life. He never thought he'd make it to even 23 but he got lucky and he's here now, and he's just drifting and risking it all on the grail war to survive with his stupid worms. 

He dyes his hair ginger because he named himself after a ginger animal (although I named him after Fox Stevenson) and hasn't been to a hairdresser since he was 12. His right ear is pierced and his left ear isn't. He doesn't actually know which ear is the gay ear, since it's different in the US and UK, but he insists that his piercing is not gay, while being gay. His earring is made of amber and resonates with the insects inside him and helps keep them in control. He has a fursona (it's a normal-looking but infested anthro fox). His entire vibe is that video of the lads hitting each other with chairs.

  • Cigar.