


3 years, 9 months ago


alignment: chaotic good

fleur pls control ur dumb half-brother. pls. 

due to a complicated love quadrangle between their parents with too much back and forth, silas and fleur were half-siblings who discovered each other's existence despite incredible effort for them not to cross paths. since silas never begrudged fleur for her elven half, the two forged a closely-knit sibling relationship that found them both incredibly forgiving of the other. silas would go on to become the only (human) person who would freely refer to fleur's elven name--ann--without bearing consequence. this forgiveness of trust extended into their older years when brief separation led fleur into a life of law and silas down a path of crime in the city of whitecliff. every time silas was caught, fleur would abuse her authority (first as a law master, then as high justice proxy) to set her brother free and silence anyone that might speak of her crime (usually through killing via her hand).  

in the stint when silas and fleur were separated from each other (fleur was taken away to be tutored in her father's elven home), silas, at fourteen, was forced by his father, mason, to see to a recruiter who was passing by their village to join the unity of light. due to his apparent sensitivity to magic that ran in the harlowe line/what caused his white hair, silas was accepted and whisked away to become an acolyte to the prism mages, a sect of monks who mastered the secretive skill of light magic. during his trip there, fleur would exchange letters with her brother via some magic she learned to keep him company and force him to learn elven as she needed to practice. in modern day, silas has a ~65% passable understanding of standard elven thanks to fleur's pushiness.