Airashi Hitomu



3 years, 6 months ago


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Name: Hitomu Airashi (Airashi Hitomu)

  • Airashi- Loveable
  • Hitomu- Compassionate vision

Hero Name: Enchant

  • Enchant- He can basically enchant people to do as he says soooo

Why become a hero?: He is training to become a hero to show that any quirk deemed villainous can be used for good and not only bad.

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height: 6'1"

Sexuality: Polyamory and Pansexual

In a relationship w/: Eto + Mipi (<3 I honestly love their relationship)

Quirk: Irresistible- 

  • Irresistible causes whoever looks into his eyes or hears him speak, when activated, to instantly feel calm and the need to do whatever he says.

Facts about Quirk: 

  • If someone looks into his eyes when his quirk is activated then it has a heavy affect on that person with a not likely chance of them breaking out of his quirks control, but if someone just hears him speak and its activated they have a chance of breaking free from it. His quirk though is basically just his voice as even when someone looks into his eyes, he has to command them to do something using his voice, so if his mouth is covered or if he can't talk then it won't work.
  • When his quirk is activated his eyes glow a lavender purple.

About Him: 

  • He was adopted by villain parents along with two other children/babies because of their quirks. 
  • Somehow one of his siblings doesn't know that their parents are villains......
  • He knows his parents are not truly evil and actually supports them being villains. 
  • He himself is labeled as a villain sometimes because of his quirk, hence why he wants to become a hero. 
  • He was adopted by them when he was 4 after being found in an alley, beaten and starved as he had run away from his original parents for reasons that shall not be named a few weeks before. 
  • The top part of his hair may or may not be dyed....the world will never know because he will take it to his grave!
  •  He is older than all of his siblings by a few days to years depending on which one he's compared to. 
  • He is extremely protective over them and will kill anyone that even tries to harms them. 
  • He tends to be stoic but he expresses his feeling via actions instead of expressions or words. 
  • He is in a loving relationship with Eto Junki and Mipi Nakano, he somehow is able to handle the two constantly pranking him. 
  • Eto and Mipi are trouble makers while Airashi is not and tends to try to get them to calm down with their pranks. 
  • He totally looks like a mean, mysterious, bad-boy that will kill you if you even look at him, but he's actually really sweet. 
  • His partners love to get him to blush as it's some of the only emotions he shows and because they find his blush really adorable <3.

Fun Fact(s):

  • Airashi's favorite fruit is a blackcurrant. 
  • His parents don't force their children to become villains or even try to force them to use their quirks on others. 
  • They actually adopted all of them with similar commanding quirks because others tend to see those types of quirks as dangerous and villainous, so they adopted them to give them a good life. 
  • They only had one biological child named Ozzu, who is the same age as Airashi. Airashi's siblings quirks are- Charisma, Clairvoyance, and Tossup.