


3 years, 6 months ago




age  51 moons (2 years)

Gender female (she/her)

Orientation homosexual



Affiliationcolony of the mire



Lady Skyshine has a gentle disposition, and appears to others as mature and witty, but she can also be possessive. She is a natural extrovert, and above all else, she values honour. While appearing cuddly and sweet to most, she soon becomes revered on the battlefield for her ferocity. 


FATHER: Rosebush - While she loves her father, Lady Skyshine feels that he's always been too overprotective of both she and her sister. This hasn't lessened since she became leader and, if anything, it's made things worse. Especially since he has developed various health problems in his old age. Lady Skyshine wants her father to relax and enjoy his retirement but that's easier said than done.

MOTHER: Blueface - If it's one thing that Lady Skyshine has always hated, it's cats keeping secrets from her and her mother is the source of this ultimate pet peeve. For as long as she could remember, Blueface has always been reluctant to talk about her past and has always maintained that Woodclaw was her only kit before her and Petalbreeze, despite frequently hearing talk from Rookwing about Silversong and his dead grandchildren. It's this revelation that reveals what ultimately happened with Blueshade and, while Skyshine pities her mother for what she has been through, she wishes she could've confided in her.

SIBLINGS: Woodclaw - Both she and Petalbreeze adore their big brother, who frequently babysat them when they were still in the nursery. The pair of them frequently fought over who would get him as mentor. He naturally never ended up being picked as mentor for either of them but he taught them a lot of what they know all the same.

Petalbreeze - The two of them are the best of friends and enjoy a prosperous bond as Lady and Physician, leading their Colony from their darkest days to their brightest. Petalbreeze is always at hand to comfort her sister during her leadership.

Blueshade - Blueshade can easily be described as Lady Skyshine's evil alter ego as well as her half-sister. While the rest of the Colony would rather not speak or think about Blueshade, Lady Skyshine finds herself frequently drawn to her. Due to Blueface failing to tell Skyshine about her half-sister, Blueshade is successful in convincing Skyshine that she is a cat of the Star Colonies and is nearly successful in enticing her to kill Lady Lakenight and finish what she and Hazeldust started.

NOVICE:  Thunderstep - Did her best to level out his abrasive and rude tendencies but always felt she was too soft with him and blames herself somewhat for the way he's turned out.

MENTOR: Lakenight - Lady Lakenight's treatment of her certainly influenced the above. Lakenight was far from a patient mentor and would treat the young Skyshine more like a bumbling servant than a pupil. 

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