

3 years, 6 months ago



Name Stone

Age 19

Birthday December 19th

Star Sign Leo

Gender Female (She/Her)


Species Human / Fox

Orientation Straight

Occupation Unemployed


  • Piano
  • Coffee
  • Books

  • Mice
  • Sleeping
  • Herself

  • Her gray hairs are natural 
  • Swears like a sailor
  • Great nurse / Shitty cook


When she sleeps, she doesn't dream. Instead, she is manifested into a nightmare for someone else to experience. As she grew older, her generic "bad guy chasing you" dreams could become more malleable and personalized for whoever's nightmare she was in. She can only become nightmares for people who are in close range to her while both parties are asleep. The affected party can't wake up until Stone wakes up. The catch: She can only fall asleep if someone else is asleep. If she is completely by herself she can get very drowsy and sluggish, but can't actually fall asleep, rendering her with insomnia. 

She's super anti-social and is 11/10 times angry at nothing. She intentionally wants to come off as unlikable to steer others away, but she's really just scared she'll hurt them. She doesn't like herself, so she stays clear of other edgy goths like herself and openly makes fun of them despite knowing how hypocritical she comes off. Just a confused teen who doesn't understand how to deal with her self-hatred and anger so she takes out her problems on others. I couldn't fit this anywhere so I'll just put it here: she has an oddlyhigh pitched voice and deliberately deepends it to sound cooler


She may be older but she sure as hell doesn't act like it. Love the little shit, though.


I feel kinda bad about it now, but I hated him since he was adopted. Useta put nightmares in his head when we were little. We don't speak too much unless I'm healin' him up after work or Skittle drags us in sumthin.

Elijah  Acquaintance

Ew. He steals shit *and* he likes my sister. Fucker better stay away from 'er.