


3 years, 9 months ago


The W.I.P.


Draw with or without clothesYes with clothesNo clothes

He doesn't have any designed yet, but anything luxury ship staff kinda stuff is ay-okay! 
Draw With
Design notes2 horns
No pawpads on hands
5 fingers and toes
Sharp claws in each hand and feet
Scenario ideas or themes?ship themed stuff! He's a scout/messenger on a flying luxury ship
He's got a bit of electricity magic, so he can do a turquoise zappy

Very helpful and eager, Fleet works as a scout/messenger at a flying luxury ship. Has some electric magic to himself, also the ability to go through walls if he's in a big hurry. Very devoted to his job

Electricity - can kinda zap stuff and help with some machinery, but his knowledge is very limited so it's more like an on/off switch kinda thing he does

Maybe space too. Yeah. He can phase through walls and objects when concentrating really hard on it. Mostly he'll do this if he's in a hurry somewhere and the fastest way is a straight line through walls. He'll still try to avoid walking through others, because while that's possible it makes him and the other fella feel really awkward and leaves this 'after-feel' for a bit so that 's not good

He a sweet happy boi~~ Baby
2 horns

works as a scout kinda person on a flying luxury ship. He's pretty helpful and eager to do all sorts of stuff. As sweet as his pink color personality vice so to speak~