Adonises's Comments

Hello! I noticed that corvideum mentioned on thier Instagram that you were putting Adonises up for sale? If that's so, I could offer thier full current worth with immediate payment if that's ok? ^^

Hey! Absolutely you can, if you could send the full amount to the PayPal with the email [email protected] as friends and family, name should be under Arabella, that would be great! Once I have the payment I'll send a transfer request<3

Thank you!

Sent! Lemme know if there was any issue receiving it!

Recieved! Transfer req pending, thank you so much!

Accepted! Tysm! I promise to take good care of em! ^^ Since there's a VRChat Avatar listed for him, is there any extra files I'd need to receive for setting that up?

So did they ever send that avatar?