


3 years, 6 months ago



  • Name Oleander
  • Age 249
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Species Vortian
  • Occupation Mafia Member
  • Usually stands to the side, but will not hesitate to poke fun at you when the chance comes up.
  • Master knife thrower and wielder.
  • Possible next in line to be the head of X.
  • Usually works better independently.

Oleander is quiet but snarky, he is not the type to start a conversation with you but he will definitely join in when he feels the desire to. He often either looks annoyed or deadpan, unless he is around Jasmine. He is very defensive and aggressive around Jas, and they both constantly threaten or make fun of each other (although neither of them have a genuine intention of hurting each other). He is very prideful and will put absolutely anything on the line (once even his soul) to prove himself.

Despite his hard outward demeanor, Oli is actual quite fun-loving. He enjoys messing with people and playing games or gambling. He also quite likes beating people in a fight. If you get him to loosen up enough, he could probably be a really good friend! Unfortunately, he spends most of his time worrying about his worth to the mafia and as a person. He's not hugely empathetic, and would not often not think twice when it comes to making unethical choices for the mafia.



Oleander's family is renowned on planet Givazunovazi, with his great great grandparents being the ones to found X when arriving on the planet after escaping Vort. X is a large mafia which controls an entire region of the planet, and is widely respected/feared. Currently, his grandfather is the head of it. However, he is growing old, and is looking to the younger members of his family to decide who his predecessor should be. Oleander and his cousin Jasmine are the two top choices, both of them being young and talented fighters. Determined to prove his worth, Oli would do anything to beat Jas.

With their family holding a lot of honor, Oli has had a lot to live up to since being young. His family is strict and hold many customs, with keeping a pure vortian lineage being one of them. Oli's father was unable to prove himself to be the right choice as the next leader of X, and so is determined to make sure Oli is. Ever since he was a child, Oli has been scolded for his loudness, his femininity, and his sadness. He has been pushed with constant training and a relative lack of affection. In a desire to make himself worthy to his father, he does everything to be the best, and will often not reveal any emotion other than anger or annoyance.

Oleander has a stealth approach to fighting. He is trained in being silent, fitting in tight spaces, and easily spotting places to take cover. His weapons of choice are his knives, of which he hides an organized collection of on the underside of his cloak. The majority of these are throwing knives, with him having precise aiming skills. If he must, he also knows hand to hand combat, in which he is more defensive and relies on his manuvering skills.