
3 years, 6 months ago


The prince of the Jade Palace! 

The Jade Palace, for many years, also serves as a healing temple. Its rulers, the emperor and queen, spread love and life through its lands. The kingdom's specially crafted Jade jewels hold the power to contain life's energy and is used to heal the sick, the dying, and the poor. It's a sign of wealth, healthiness, and success. 

The queen fell deathly ill during her pregnancy and could not return to normal health no matter what the doctors and healers tried. So they did one more method: They crushed up one of their jades into a fine powder, sprinkling it into all of her food and tea until she felt better. 

Because of this, Jade was born with a connection to all jade jewels, since life flows through every single one. He is the kingdom's pride and joy, a boy who can heal simply from his hands and command jade at will. 

However, because of how precious his powers are, he is a target for capture and market. To keep him away from these things, the emperor and queen decided to put up walls around their kingdom in order to keep intruders out. They shelter Prince Jade in the palace, rarely allowing him to walk alone through the kingdom in fear of losing their precious son.

Prince Jade, literally born full of life and passion, does not enjoy being sheltered. He wishes to explore and see past the walls. There is a longing for adventure in his blood just as much as there is responsibility. Naturally curious and full of energy, he causes harmless mischief for his servants and sneaks off often into the kingdom's villages under disguise just for a taste of freedom.