Nonoki Arandis



3 years, 6 months ago


Nonoki Arandis

The Myterious Machine


A crystal hording moth with blue wings and pale gold armor. They wield two spears. They don't speak or eat but can consume candy. They often laze around doing nothing, only taking action when other forces try to attack them. They are surrounded by mystery and not much is known about them, they do have thoughts and emotions but don't often act upon them

Nonoki was born to two common gem moths in Hollownest, lived a normal childhood in the City of Tears and lived peacefully for their time there. At the age of ten he was taken in by a blacksmith/jewelry worker/inventor as a apprentice. Though they mainly focused on metalworking their teacher taught him about mechanisms and machines.

The infection begin to spread when Nonoki was nearing adulthood, taking over Hollownest and spreading rapidly the city was closed. Nonoki's parents were angry with the king and what he had done, deeming his actions unfair to the working class. They became part of a group against the king and his actions, they became slightly more prominent as they grew and gained nobles into their ranks. They were soon enough snuffed out by the officials and executed, leaving Nonoki who refused to join a orphan.

Nonoki was then taken in by his master and teacher who had become something like a father to him. He lived in the blacksmith shop with his adopted father within the closed off city. One day after coming home Nonoki found his adopted father confused and ill tempered, the shop thick with noxious orange air. His adopted father was ill with the infection after he was exhausted from the stress of both feeding and watching over his 17 year old adopted son and of keeping up business during the plague. He was infected by the furious Radiance and no longer thinking or in control, becoming a mad and murderous inventor. He began to battle with Nonoki and injured him greatly and knocked him out.

In his mad state he still was a aspiring inventor, taking his son Nonoki and turning him into a cyborg. This did not end well though, he fell from the infection before he could complete the process and left his son as a unfinished cyborg without much left of his true mind or form. Nonoki no longer had a gender, but could not function instead left on his father's working table.

The city officials found the infection plagued blacksmith's shop and the unmoving mechanical cyborg born from the mad blacksmith tinkerer's broken mind. They had the blacksmith's corpse disposed of and took the unfinished cyborg assuming that Nonoki was just a unfinished robot. He was worked on by one of the inventors working for the city officials and finished before the city finally fell. He was left yet again, now able to move he could have done something but he didn't. He didn't care and didn't move, sitting on a bench in the city away from the rain. He only ever moved to defend himself and keep people away, never doing anything unneeded. He was too mechanical to have a proper thought process or mind, not caring about memories or thoughts.




Gem Moth






August 5th

●Sexual orientation●











Ex- Metalworker/Jewelry Maker


Dark, metallic gold with an oily sheen.



●Scars & Injuries●



Doesn't require food

●Likes & Dislikes●

Likes poems, puzzles, riddles, shiny things, gems, battles, history, exploring, sweet candy, &c. Dislikes boredom, death, being toyed with, remembering his past, &c.


True Neutral


Extra Details

 • Alpha of PokeMAN created the species

• Hunter's Notes- "What an odd creature this one, it eats nothing and defends itself with it's spears. It does not attack or hunt anything or anyone. What a waste of a warrior".

Resistant to extreme heat and cold

Charms have no effect on him