Tryn Ligh



3 years, 6 months ago


Tryn Ligh

"Wife of Death"


Tryn is a noble from Koran, known for her ability in combat. Her combat is very speed based, fighting for glory by night in a arena as a gladiator. She grew up a guard and married a noble she fell for, becoming a noble herself. She injoys all arts and is friendly to most during the day and unfriendly at night, acting as a warrior is her main goal aside from survival. Her wife is Everlyn Ligh, a death knight known for her kindness. She wears a arm guard that she utilizes in battle, often blocking attacks and weapons.

Tryn was born outside of Nighshire to two ex-soldiers turned travellers after they abandoned their home kingdom to avoid a corrupt king sitting on the throne. They were being pursued by their former comrades so travelling quickly they entered the mountains surrounding Nighshire. Her birth mother was lost in a storm while they worked on crossing the mountains leaving Tryn with a lone father. The enemies continued following and begin gaining ground quickly, finally her birth father opted to leave her on what was barely a trade road. He ran off and drew the attention of the guards leading them off track as she lay there.

After some time a lone trader found her on the road, she was still a baby at that point. The trader carried her to Koran and gave her to some common folk who decided to raise her as their own. Her adopted mother was named Mairr and her adopted father was named Konnar. They raised her up to be polite and well cared for despite her status. She became friends with the guards and soldiers in training within Koran managing through them to get to be one of the guards in training. She became increasingly strong as a warrior during her training and learned of the gladiatory arena and decided to fight in them. She began sneaking out at night to battle in the arenas, earning money behind her parents backs.

At one point whilst doing her duties as a guard she met the kind noble Everlyn. The two got along well and spent more and more time together, eventually getting in a relationship and getting engaged. They became wed officially turning her into a noble in status, her parents passing from age afterwards she began living with her wife. She actually found being a noble rather boring, constantly being bothered by her servants and acting all high and mighty wasn't her thing. She continued battling in the arena as she both didn't want to use her wife's money which she didn't rightfully earn. She found her love for art and continues happily living with her wife.










August 5th

●Sexual orientation●



Everlyn Ligh- wife, Abbadon- friend, Erress- friend, &c.






Above Average


Noble/Gladiatress/Former Royal Guard


Dark Green


Damaged Scissor Blades

●Scars & Injuries●

One scar across the back of her neck



●Likes & Dislikes●

Likes battling, her wife, friends, acting, wandering, play fighting, jousting, beast riding, dressing up, telling stories, &c. Dislikes overly dramatic people, servants, cleaning herself off, snow, war, &c.


Lawful Neutral


Extra Details

 • She uses a magic brooch that increase her strength