Lidia's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

trashadopted Global Rules

• Resellers / Trading:

  •  It is forbidden to resell for a higher price than paid. Only if the design has extra art.
  •  It is not allowed to resell or negotiate a design during the waiting time: two weeks.
  •  Only resell / trade with people who have a ToyHouse account. I want to know who and where my designs are.
  •  Please pass on my terms to the current owner so that you are aware of them.

• Rules of use:

  • I allow you to use my designs for profit, such as: RPG, comics, animations etc. But it is mandatory to give me credit whenever you use it for one of these purposes.
  • I don't use my designs for profit with real objects, such as: mugs, blouses, etc. For own use only. warning: if you are interested in using it for real objects, you need a permission from me and may have to pay for it, if i don't ask don't use it for real objects.
  • In case you are stolen please contact me! We will solve this in the best way and if it is proved that you are the owner, you will get the project back.

• Redesign:

  • If you request that I redesign, I will need a proof or term of use from the original creator consenting to this.
  • I allow you to redesign my designs, however I ask you not to leave it totally unrecognizable.
  • Never resell / exchange the design and keep only the redesign. They will still be the same character and should be marketed together.
  • Never discard original design or remove your image from ToyHouse.

When you buy any design from me, you automatically agree to the terms of use, and if you break them, you could end up blacklisted.

Blacklisted people are NOT allowed to buy / sell any design or redesign made by me. If you resell to these people, you automatically enter the list with them. Blacklist :




