


7 years, 2 months ago


{{ Animal Details}} 

Name:  Tatako

Gender: Male
Species: Spirit Guide
Age:  Unknown

Body Frame:  Agile and lean
Main Fur color:  Soft blue
Fur Color:  Pale pink, and white
Fur Style:  Fluffy medium length
Extra: Small pink and green feathers
Claw Color: Silvery white
Eye Color:  Luminescent silver

Head Gear: Silver bell, that hangs at the end of his pony tail two inches from the bottom of his hair.

{{ Human Details }}

Height: 6'6
Body Frame: Slender, muscular
Skin tone:  Light olive complexion
Hair Color:  Soft blue, fading into silver
Hair Style:  Long almost waist length, held close to the end by a bell.
Eye Color:  Luminescent silver

Head Gear: Hot pink headphones, with the shape of black bells on the sides.
Jacket: Normally a loose fitting jacket
Shirt: A short sleeve bright blue hoodie shirt
Pants: Dark black jeans
Shoes: Hot pink, and silver sneakers. With bright blue laces


((Coming soon))

To put it nicely Takato is a workaholic. He is focused, and driven to extremes to make sure the job is done right, and without any mistakes. When he isn't working he is uptight, and has a problem with going over the latest mission over and over trying to think of ways he could of done something faster, or if he made a mistake. He is a kind guy, but sees no reason to relax when anything could happen. He does have one problem that he tries desperately to hide. Because of his true form, when anyone calls him cute or girly. He becomes extremely upset, and starts yelling and throwing a fit. The fit doesn't lost long, but he tends to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day. His only addiction would have to be music, specially anything with violins.

Love interest: Aurora Krystal Colt