


3 years, 6 months ago


nickname is darzy

manticore/succubus hybrid. currently hanging out naked in the woods, hunting, eating animals, brooding etc etc

acts as a big sister for Ruki, shes very protective of them and often gives em comfort when they feel scared.

darzy is blunt and kinda mean. she tries to be nice but its hard for her. is on occasion flirtatious, but you don't know if she wants to kiss or eat you.

  • Ruki and darzy meet somewhere and become friends on account that Ruki is shy and darzy is pretty much considered a freak. 
  • Darzy is discriminated against a lot and has some trauma, one event happens in particular and she can’t take it anymore and convinces Ruki to leave with her. Ruki doesn't have any friends or family so she follows. they hunt and do everything together for hundreds of years
  • ruki eventually leaves her in pursuit of living a better, more human-like life. also for a nice cute boy
  • darzy is bitter, lonely really upset and has fucking eldest sibling issues so shes like FINE im going to be feral and alone in the woods then